• WebADB
  • Schok Classic SC3218 System Updates

Hi, I just purchased a Schok Classic (the older not the Flip) and it is on software version SC3218_V1.0.9, does anyone have or know where I can get SC3218_V1.1.2 or SC3218_V1.1.4 (I believe .4 is the most recent one) in a downloadable APK or something? I can't find any.

Alternately if you know how to fix this problem...? When I go to System Update on the phone it either just sits on "Checking" indefinitely or it gets past checking says "New system software available" then when I go to "Download" it just sits on "downloading" with an unmoving progress bar indefinitely.

    FliphoneBochur Yeah, did that a couple times. Pulled the battery for a couple hours to get it back to where it will get past "checking" and just sit on "downloading".

    Now I'm having a new problem as well. I got a bluetooth keyboard for it and the QW keys don't work. 1 brings up symbols virtual keyboard, the other changes between virtual keyboards. Every other key works fine 😐 Tried it out on a Schok Flip (non classic) and it works totally fine on that. I'm hoping it'll work on the Classic once I figure out the software updates.

      Biden2020prez That worked on another one I purchased but seems to have no relation to the QW problem which functions the same regardless of what keyboard it is set to. I can get W by typing the number 9 a bunch of times but haven't found Q yet as that doesn't come up on 7...