• I have only 2g service!

I have the LG classic Flip unlocked I'm using it in Europe. but it's works only on 2g service? Can I do something for this?

    3 months later

    gottesfeldy i know that I'm replying 3 months later but I just see now your post the first time so i used the lg classic in קערעסטיר with a three mobile SIM it's a UK company and it was roaming and it only connected to the 2g network but in the Qin f21 pro the same Sim worked on the 4g network in קערעסטיר thats because the phone needs to have the correct bands and most of the Verizon flip phones doesn't support the 4g GSM bands in European country's i also tested this three mobile SIM in London in the lg classic and it didn't had service there because three mobile stopped there 2g network and the phone didn't had the correct bands to connect to 3g or 4g network but it worked in London with a o2 mobile SIM on the 2g network so please if you could reply to me I'll like to know with which Sim you tested it and in which country it was