Kyocera Phones
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
4448641 Right I know that's what the site says. But we are talking about the Kyocera DuraXV E-4180 which may actually be a LTE device, but did not work for it... So, I am letting people know what actually works for it. Did you have a different experience?
Mmoshe1Level 3 - Gold Member
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Flippy By the bars of service it showed a house symbol basically no 4g connection in other words service didn't work I didn't try apns then but when I had the hotspot problem with us mobile I did try editing the apn's and its greyed out I even tried an app that lets u edit locked apns but when I went back to the apn through settings I saw it went back to default. From what I understood phones that aren't volte compatible don't work on tello period also because the phone needs to meet the frequency requirements
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
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moshe1 Locked APN? the only time I ever saw that was on Verizon/verizon MVNO's. I didnt know that can happen on t-mobile. I have tried multiple E-4810 with T-mobile (only direct) and they worked fine. Just needed APN for MMS. Have you tried calling them? They seem to be knowledgeable with this sort of thing. Maybe also see if you can change network mode in wireless settings...
Mmoshe1Level 3 - Gold Member
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Flippy I tried getting a tello sim card to work in a E4610 which is a "verizon" phone and it wasn't connecting to the towers normally and tello told me at the time that the reason is cause the phone isn't volte compatible etc... do u think that if I can edit the apn's it would work with tello?
4448641Level 4 - Platinum Member
the only services that the e4810 will have issues with is some of the verizon mvnos because it will recognize the verizon service so it will lock the apn to verizon, and the phone wont work at all
I have a cadence and I removed the browser how can I grey out the browser and email icons after on the main menu?
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Torah123 pm disable-user --user 0
and pm disable-user --user 0
SshaztziLevel 1 - Junior Member
what are the numbers for the camera/speaker button for the kco mouse?
and does anyone have the vlc player for the cadence? also the remind app for the cadence pls?
BboruchLevel 3 - Gold Member
Does anyone know anything about the "New" Kyocera DuraXV Extreme+ [Login to see the link] I know that it has has an alternate processor chip (which is supposed to be better), upgraded Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, barometer, and remote support capability [Login to see the link] but I want to know if there's any other differences (i.e. the return of the built-in cursor) and if its noticeably faster?
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member
Flippy is there a method to improve the T9?
ZzviroseLevel 1 - Junior Member
does the extreme+ have a built in virtual mouse
AanonymousLevel 1 - Junior Member
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shaztzi check out FliphoneBochur for remind app