• LG Classic Flip

T-K it's doesn't work for the classic phone

  • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

    Phoney doesn't connecting

    • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

      yk9813 WebADB.com says "Please authorize the connection on your device", but I don't get the the authorization prompt on my phone.

        ksav did you use it with windows if so did you follow the instructions for that ?

        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        Jumptoheaven Btw the easiest way to open a command prompt window in a certain folder is just to click on the address bar of that folder and type cmd and hit enter

          Techgen thanks.
          My commuter has the shift right click option, but I needed to tweak my registry for that.
          Your trick would be a much better option.

            • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

              On LG classic?

              • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

                10452ec what did you do to get it to work?

                • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                Jumptoheaven Yup, In the good old days it used to be in the shift rightclick options by default, now microsoft switched it to powershell instead, so it requires a registry tweak to add in cmd, which i wouldn't recommend unless you know what youre doing. In any case, this is the easiest way I know of. (I still use the cd option if I need cmd with admin privleges. If you know of an easier way to do that...)

                • L-B replied to this.
                  • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                    • Edited

                    You can copy the file cmd.exe from c:/windows/system32 into your adb folder and then open it as administrator by right clicking it. It will open cmd in that path.

                      • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      L-B true, but its not only adb that i would want admin privledges for, it wont help for on the fly commands

                      • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                        Hi. I just spoke to someone in corporate who claimed that he doesnt have the option to uncheck my MMS features. He reset the whole antenna etc etc but nothing worked. He did say that maybe with AT&T service there would be such ab option. Do you know if your APN is AT&T or verizon?

                          L-B just call again. Frequently when they don't know how to do something, they say it's impossible.
                          I had a similar issue, with not getting a notification when receiving a voicemail.

                            • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                              L-B I have tracfone service and my APN is VZWINTERNET

                              • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                                • Edited

                                So I don't know why multiple people at corporate were totally unable to help. I was able to fix this MMS picture/group message problem for one phone by porting out the number to google voice and then porting back. But it took a whole week to port back as google voice is considered a landline and therefore takes longer. I will try my wife's number by porting to Tello which should just take a day and I hope it will fix her problem too.
                                Porting out (at least to google voice) seems to freshen the number and erase its previous "baggage" so that it doesn't have this problem (just as a brand new number doesn't have the problem which I tested on same device (LG L125DL) same sim)
                                But you need an extra compatible phone for the service you are porting to and it costs some money to pay for minimal service on other plan (google voice costs $20 to port in)
                                UPDATE porting back and forth from tello worked!

                                Jumptoheaven so true. If you see your not getting anywhere, hang up and try again.