are these mostly modified android apks or are some of there built from the groud up? Does anyone know what programming language or skill set to start contributing to the community to keep apps up to date I'm using a XP3 for specific reason possibly not the same for others here. Is there a way to donate I'm in the US.
Mouse for SONIM XP3
All command fine
with app4flipmouse
try adb command
LAST : adb shell am startservice
REPLY : Error: Requires permission not exported from uid 10196
Is this the problem ?
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
matteovisco no, it always says that, you just ignore it and it works anyway. The apps for flip mouse does not work to click on the xp3 so I assume it won't work with the xp3 plus either. You have a better chance with the one from virresh. Did you check the keycode of the select button like I suggested to you a while back?
Techgen No i not know the procedure
Techgen and with
matvt-v1.03-phone but
SETUP PERMISSION : Open new windows "feature not availabe"
and also try
with WEBADB command :
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.voicecommand
appops set SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1
settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services
am startservice
IS THIS VERSION ALL GRANT but see mouse move and NOT PICK!!!
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
matteovisco It sounds like youre having an issue activating the matvt mouse with the UI, so try installing the MATVT mouse, but activating it with adb [or webadb shell] use these commands
adb shell appops set SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1
adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services
adb shell am startservice
If youre using WebADB shell, leave out "adb shell" from the commands
Try but no work not see mouse and tree time * do nothing All now is granted
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
matteovisco Open the mouse app, go down to override activation key, check that, and put in 17 for the * key or 18 for the # key, and press and hold the key to turn on the mouse (not press 3 times)
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using Linux terminal
adb shell am startservice
Starting service: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] }
Error: Requires permission not exported from uid 10162
when i scroll down the page I cant go back up and now both mice are on the screen but i cant scroll back up before initiating mouse mode anyway.
Techgen Now see mouse move it but not pick
darren051 what app have install? I only zello for now
matteovisco I was able to install F-droid from the browser when i initially bought the phone I think it was blocked after the update I got yesterday. I've only had the phone for 3 days but that was the first thing I downloaded before I discovered this site but I this community is so small that there apps go months or years without updates.
oh and shortcuts on the home screen dont work anymore either
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Has anyone been able to install the Mouse pointer successful meaning able to select options on side-loaded apps specifically on the XP3 PLUS?
It seems me only one other person are having the issue I have used ADB on Linux and WEBADB and factory reset at least 5times. Is making this work possible who do i need to DONATE to get it working?
FFalconerLevel 1 - Junior Member
I don't think anyone has been able to get the mouse to work on the XP3plus, no. The “virresh” mouse installs but does not “click” successfully.
And yes, you used to be able to install apps easily, but then they pushed a system update, and now you have to use ADB to sideload apps. Luckily that still works just fine, with the very minor caveat that USB debug has to be turned back on every time you restart the phone.
FFalconerLevel 1 - Junior Member
The keycode for the select button is 66.
FFalconerLevel 1 - Junior Member
Just providing that info for the developer, in case he ever checks in here again.
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
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Falconer Oh, so that's prob the issue {like I suspected it's different than the xp3.} EDIT: My mistake, after verifying, the keycode on the xp3 is also 66, in which case I'm not sure what the issue is - see my later post.
Tag [Login to see the link] to let him know, or contact him through his github page to see if he has a chance to add it in the next version.