• Kashering

Techgen and also wanna know if it removes it completely? Meaning it wouldn't show up in menu or its just gonna be blocked/ inaccessible?

Techgen sorry one more question here. Is it same command for any other app I wanna remove? For example I would like to remove the radio app (that came with the phone) too

    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    Gratitudetocreator I'm assuming it won't, on the exalt it takes it off. Most people use safeguard on the xp3, so I don't know for sure. You may need to restart the phone before it removes it from the menu

    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    Gratitudetocreator it's the same command, you just need to find out the package name. You can do adb shell pm list packages radio to find it

      • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      Gratitudetocreator adb shell pm list packages lists all the packages installed on the phone, adb shell pm list packages -s will only show system apps, -3 will only show 3rd party apps. You can also add a keyword you want to search for at the end such as, adb shell pm list packages waze

        Techgen you're a great help. I would really like if I can msg you via sms cuz I'm using my phone browser and I wanna block it. And you really helped me a lot. So if you're fine with going in private pls lemme know where we can exchange contact info. Thanks in advance. 🤝

          Techgen can you pls put in "quotation marks" what exactly I need to type to block the browser?

            • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

            Gratitudetocreator I understand where youre coming from, but at this point I'd rather not take this outside the forum, please dont keep your browser because of me. Hopefully someone will put up a good version of the app for the forum that you can use (you can try the ones already made, they have a better chance of working on the xp3 than the exalt -especially if you use it with scrcpy). Sorry, and Hatzlacha!

              • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              Gratitudetocreator "adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.android.browser" [for the xp3] If youre using webADB then go to the shell section and just type starting from pm