• Tech Help

did someone know if there is a way to block/disable just a app activity (not the app at self) vie adb ect. ?

    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

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    Anyone know how to get around forgotten screen lock password on LG Classic without resetting, or how to trust computers RSA fingerprint without unlocking the phone?

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          8 days later

          mg5077 If you mean to force stop an app it would be
          adb shell am force-stop <packageName>

            Techgen no,
            just an activity, like by the lg classic, to disable resetting the phone which is an activity from the setting app,
            I know the activity name, (I got it with the PKGBROWSER app).

              mg5077 If you know the activity name try adb shell pm disable <packagename>/<activitname>

                Techgen did you try it mg5077 what’s the name off package and action

                Yms giyf (google is your friend )

                Techgen I got this back;
                gf3:/ $ pm disable com.android.settings/fp.personal.masterclear
                Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Shell cannot change component state for com.android.settings/fp.personal.masterclear to 2

                  • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  mg5077 You can try adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.android.settings/fp.personal.masterclear
                  which sometimes has more flexibility because its technically only disabling for the current user

                    Techgen here's the thing. It's an app that was modified for the exalt and I was told that works perfectly over there. So does it make sense that the sonim just works a bit differently or does it have to be modified again specifically for sonim?

                    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    Gratitudetocreator yea I know the cursor doesn't work to select, a few people mentioned that issue, I didn't get a chance to play around with it, I use voice access and switch board for most things and I cant play Stratego πŸ˜‰