• Tech Help

  • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

mg5077 on regular adb you just do adb install -g <path to apk>, im assuming it would be the same on webadb

    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    mg5077 It needs to be done without android.permission, just do PERMISSION_NAME

      How do add a mouse to modified apps?

      Techgen no, I just realized that I'm unable to disable a whole app
      (I have the classic).

        • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

          mg5077 What app are you trying to disable?

          • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          mg5077 Any app, or system apps, or the settings app? I tested system apps on the xp3 and it works

          • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          mg5077 Oh well, guess it doesnt work on your system ☹️

          Does anyone know if I can put on apps via adb on the exalt even I have livigent filter?

            Doesn’t work

            does anyone know how to reset a schok classic flip that wont go past the boot screen? ive rebooted multiple ways including hard resets, while holding volume keys and adb reboot commands. Thanks

              does anyone know how to take off the video player on a kyocera dura xv and also how to on the extreme?

              • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              di2020 When you say you did adb reboot commands, did you try adb reboot recovery and adb reboot bootloader?

                I tried both

                  • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  di2020 What happens, why's it getting stuck? do you have more details on the issue?

                  It's stuck on the boot screen and won't get past it,after the animation I can connect via adb but it won't restart past that point. When I trigger what I'm guessing is a recovery mode there's the image of the Android robot opened up and the message no data. No options are provided

                    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    di2020 Im not sure what you did (or what happened to the phone) to get stuck in that situation, if you cant reset try searching for a factory image for your phone, and flash it to your device using fastboot that comes with adb

                    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    mg5077 adb shell recovery --wipe_data or adb shell wipe data. There's also a way to do it with fastboot if it doesn't work