• Tech Help

  • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

mg5077 Um, you prob need the location of the file i.e. C:/user/desktop/appmanagerlg.apk, and end with .apk

    7 days later

    Techgen wen I run .\fastboot devices I didn't get any response
    (I have successfully installed the platform tools for windows)

      mg5077 this is what I got
      PS C:\adb> .\fastboot erase userdata
      < waiting for any device >

        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        mg5077 Is your phone in bootloader mode?

          mg5077 If it looks regular, then its not in bootloader mode. there usually is a way to do it by pressing power on + volume down/up or some combination of buttons depending on the phone

            mg5077 on the exalt, it's the end and volume down key simultaneously.

              Techgen still got this error
              c:\adb\adb shell pm install -g c:/AppManagerLG.Apk
              Error: Can't open non-file: c:/AppManagerLG.Apk
              c:\adb\adb shell pm install -g c:\AppManagerLG.Apk
              Error: Can't open non-file: c:AppManagerLG.Apk
              I copied the file to (c🙂

                mg5077 after doing adb install -g try dragging the apk to the cmd prompt window, it should input the correct location. If it still doesnt work try it with a different apk (I dont know what a non file is, maybe theres something wrong with it)

                  mg5077 You dont install with adb shell, just adb install -g

                    mg5077 I had to study your post closely to find out what was going wrong 😉 . Its always a good idea to post exactly what it said including what you typed, It helps with the troubleshooting

                      Techgen now wen I have "finally" installed this app with -g its still there 2 permissions revoked REQUEST_INTSALL_PACKAGES and WRITE_SETTINGS I think that the second one is needed to be able to use this app for all good features
                      any idea ??!

                        Techgen mg5077 I think that the setedit app has root access you can download it from here lgexalter1 this is for sure that its have WRITE_SETTINGS permission