• Tech Help

Switchboard doesn’t work. Even with these commands. I REALLY WANT IT

    I know but with adb it can work on exalt

      • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      The service name of switchboard is ug.air.switchaccess.SwitchAccessibilityService, so assuming that after youre finished with it the package name will be com.android.cts.switchaccess, the commands should be
      am startservice com.android.cts.switchaccess/ug.air.switchaccess.SwitchAccessibilityService settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.cts.switchaccess/ug.air.switchaccess.SwitchAccessibilityService settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1

      (I think the ug.air.switchaccess.SwitchIME service I wrote before is a secondary service)
      I havent tested it, because i dont have the Exalt


        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        yk9813 Msing In order for any app to be able to be installed on the Exalt or Classic the app has to be adjusted first, [Login to see the link] said theyre working on it for switchboard, but untill you have one that can be installed, none of these commands will help (as you said)

        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        Msing adb commands can only help to enable accessability services after switchboard is installed, but you still need a switchboard .apk that is changed to be compatible with the Exalt/classic, which apps4flip did not put out yet

        You guys don’t understand I made my own lg classic flip switchboard I know how to do it I will not reveal secret.


          • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          Msing Ok, great. I thought you were in the same boat as [Login to see the link] who said he couldn't install. Yea, its not a good idea to reveal the exploit in public, lest it get into the wrong hands. So try using the commands I just posted above, adjusting of course for your apk

          Techgen can you also configure the service name for button mapper ?

          5 days later

          I got the service name for button mapper:
          the problem is, is that when i enable button mapper voice access gets disabled
          any solutions?

            I don't think you can have more then 1 accessibility service active at any given time. You would have to pick between button mapper and voice access

              • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              • Edited

              Apps4Flip-Admin boruch I think you can enable two accessability services by sticking a colon ( : ) in between services, such as adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services package1/service1:package2/service2

                Techgen WOW it's a great idea it's works fine !!
                thank you very much !