MMsingLevel 1 - Junior Member
I can’t get WhatsApp to work on the LG classic flip I install it and then I open it but then it crashes is there a code in ADB to stop The crashing?
I can’t get WhatsApp to work on the LG classic flip I install it and then I open it but then it crashes is there a code in ADB to stop The crashing?
What did you do to install it?
what worked for my button mapper app plus voice access app was
adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services
adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1
Thank you it works great!
lgexalter1 which phone ?
@everyone wen you posted a problem or success write also your type of phone
lgexalter1 I tried it on the classic and on the exalt the works fine and the exalt.......... the same like you
since I have successfully enabled button mapper is there a think what I can do or someone else or [Login to see the link] to take away the app launcher from the notification bar?
because I can now access it with a fiscal button
I’m having a big problem on lg classic flip I enabled switchboard but then if I by mistake turn on the lg classics accessibility function called readout ,it disables switchboard and how have to go back to computer every time I want switchboard to be permanent not turn off so annoying
how can you install using webadb i need to install with -g and i cant figure out the command it must be a pm command
mg5077 Techgen this may be what your looking for.
[Login to see the link]
mg5077 Msing It would be adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
I dont know what the exact package name is, because I dont have that phone, you can do pm list packages to get a list of all installed packages (you can copy and paste all of them to notepad, and then you can do ctrl+F to search for the package you want)