• Ping Pong Room

I spent a while looking through at&t customer service discussion boards and it seems like everyone who was able to get the last update has had good service since then....

    12 days later

    I just got an AT&T prepaid sim (cost me $20) and after chatting with tech support they were able to push the most recent update to my phone. Seems to be working fine now (reception-wise).

    18 days later
    4 months later

    I thought this was a useful tip that people would appreciate, but I didn't think it was worthy of its own thread.
    If you have a bunch of APK files in a folder, and you want to find out the package name of all of them without having to open each of them, you can use this tip:

    1. [Login to see the link] and put it in the folder of the APK files that you want to see the package names for.

    2. In that folder, type cmd into the address bar to open command prompt to that location.

    3. Run this command:
      for /f "delims=" %i in ('dir /b /on *.apk') do for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %j in ('aapt dump badging "%i" ^| findstr /r /c:"^package: name="') do echo %~ni %j >> output.txt

    You should now have a text file called output.txt in that folder with the filenames followed by the package names.

    Here's how the command works (taken apart by ChatGPT):

    1. The for /f command is a loop that iterates over a set of items. In this case, it's used to iterate over the list of APK files in the current directory.
    2. delims= specifies the delimiter to use when parsing the input. In this case, the delimiter is set to an empty string, which means that the entire line is used as the input.
    3. %i and %j are variables used to store the current item in the loop.
    4. dir /b /on *.apk lists all the APK files in the current directory, using the /b switch to output only the file names and the /on switch to sort the list by name.
    5. aapt dump badging "%i" is a command that extracts information from an APK file. %i is replaced by the name of the current APK file in the loop.
    6. ^| is used to escape the | character, which is a special character in the command prompt.
    7. findstr /r /c:"^package: name=" searches for a line in the output of aapt that starts with "package: name=". The /r switch specifies that the search string should be treated as a regular expression.
    8. tokens=2 delims=: " specifies that the second token (the package name) should be extracted from the output of findstr, using : and space as delimiters.
    9. %~ni is used to extract the file name of the current APK file in the loop, without the file extension.
    10. >> output.txt redirects the output of the command to a file called "output.txt", using the >> operator to append the output to the file.

    Hope this is helpful!

      Flippy Thanks! Very useful. I'll probably use that a lot!
      The מעלה of the program is that it's less intense, and the מעלה of my command is that it works in bulk.

      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        • Edited

        FliphoneBochur Yes sorry forgot if it was a separate plugin or just a later update. Thanks for mentioning. Once your at it, grab the office viewer plugin too.

          2 months later

          I wasn't sure where to post this, but as the admin said, this is:

          Apps4Flip-Admin The place to talk about anything random.

          I won't be active on the forum for the next 2 months as I will be in camp. I might be able to get on for a bit and post on off-days or visiting day, but for the most part I will be inactive. I have been working on a big project for the last 5 months that I wanted to release before the summer, but I haven't had time to finish it off. I plan on releasing it (and the filter for the Orbic) after the summer.