THE_SOMEONELevel 2 - Senior Member
Atusb VLC Player: [Login to see the link]
Atusb VLC Player: [Login to see the link]
SamFried hows that 4G? it looks like a phone made in 2009...
Tested on vn220 and it works but you dont have a bulid in pointer so its hard to control if you could add it and also try to rename it google maps just so it makes sence cause its just named maps but thanks! [Login to see the link]
google maps stoped working for me today any google maps for VN220 that works?
MXRJR A Factory reset proably will fix it but if its the SD slot then proably wont work but it can be fixed (by a store) (For CASH ) they like cash...
Biden2020prez is that a Launcher you made or did you replace the orignal menu?
(1) adb devices
(2) adb shell
(3) settings put secure install_non_market_apps 1
The command was once on the forum but i dont see it anymore not sure why
Biden2020prez you are one of the only ones on this forums (except admins) who know how to right COLOR WORD'S and all that stuff good and you also said your not anything with apps4flip so i thought it proably be you (not the admins) and since i also saw that your main account wasnt active
[Login to see the link] see told you it was [Login to see the link]
but serously this is really not mature to do all this because of some people upvoting their messages. and its very simple to fix it just remove upvoting yourself
(sorry for 3rd edit): also i unvoted my votes a long time ago (i only voted them to test it then unvote it) and it still says i voted them but i didnt you can even see
thx for telling me gonna run and unvote some of my own votes lol
princeofthecS Thats what happens on Kyocera its just how it is. some filters are also like that but some are with the grey app icon
FliphoneBochur tried it on LG Classic it worked but on Exalt Didn't work
Go to a phone fixing store they should be able to remove it
make sure USB De-bugging is on and its On Charging (Not File Manager) and also make sure your using a good ADB if everything is right then i dont know maybe if you have a filter could also be the wire you use
Biden2020prez Sorry to come back late. i tried this command already and it doesnt work it says:
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: attempt to change component state from pid=17119, uid=2000, package uid=10015
I tried this command on LG Classic It worked But on Vn220 it doesnt...
(im trying to do it for the Email) And no i didn't make a mistake in the process im a ADB expert since Feb 2021
12345 Same Thing (Its just a plain file)
(1) Create Folder
(2) Put the messages file into the folder
(3) Press View (on the top in the folder)
(4) Press Show/Hide Then ✓ The File Name Extensions
(5) Then Press Rename on the messages file and Press Ctrl + A
(6) Rename The File Messages.apk
Its now a apk format! You can turn off the file name extensions now if you want...
Biden2020prez The Waze Works great now but has a few problems
The mouse works great but i need to press "serch" with my other mouse to get the build in mouse working (this is a problem that was also from the old Waze version) but im used to it the main reason i wanted the build in one was because i should be able to report stuff (like police/car crash) but it works excelllent!
(1) First Of All Right Your Important Passwords Somewhere
(2) Its very possible that a phone fixing store can remove it without Factory Reset or someone who knows phones well