YEG practical before the apk or before the path? And can you write out the whole command please? Thank you for your help!
TryingToBeHelpful YEG On the left side of the screen simply click install apk then you can select the apk that you want. Have you ever used [Login to see the link] before?
practical YEG sorry for delay... i'm not sure in your case but you can give it a try.. so it's to type before the path like: "cd C:\Users\PRACTICAL\Pictures\Saved Pictures" or it could be: "cd \Users\PRACTICAL\Pictures\Saved Pictures"
YEG TryingToBeHelpful basically I have a Android tablet with an adb app which connects through otg. The only way I can install apps is writing out the whole command including the path. But I don't know how to do that. Can someone help me?