practical post here any useful task you found in the setedit app. (like any added listing etc.) thanks to [Login to see the link] for midifying!
practical [Login to see the link] or does anybody know how to grant WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission with the setedit app?
Random practical (adb shell) pm grant [package name] android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS i think its something like that when you try to edit it tells you the command but the package name you should figure out as it may not be by4a.setedit
practical Random sorry for not explaining well; I want to grant 'for an other app' the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission. without adb just by adding a new setting in the 'setedit' app.
Random Oh In that case maybe if it is a setting you can modify it would appear somewhere in the app after it was granted through adb for something, I briefly looked at mine and could not find anything