KaiserD2 Hello. Using the apps4flip site , I downloaded the waze launch ap and the waze app onto my Alcaltel 4G flip phone. It said the downloads completed, but there are no new icons on on my screen. Any ideas? Thanks.
Jumptoheaven KaiserD2 firstly, you wrote that you downloaded it. Did you also attempt to install the downloaded apk? Second, I'm pretty sure that the alcatel runs on kaios and not on android, so none of these apps will work on your phone.
Flipper26 KaiserD2 I think Jumptoheaven is correct all alcatel flip phones do not run on android OS and therefore are unable to run Apps4flip apps.
BeBrave Flipper26 True. The Alcatel Go Flip runs KaiOS, which is an operating system designed specifically for modern flip and feature phones ^ Copy/Pasted from Google