henry1234567890 sb123 what does this block is there any information where i can read wht gets blocked and what stays can i choose what to remove thanks alot
sb123 Sorry, it cannot be transfered to apk you have to allow usb debugging first and connect to a computer then it will show the process on the computer
kalmen which apps does it block and which ones don't? This is what filter companies use? Does this disable the option to install apps?
Momo McMonster even if there is a passcode to reset the phone there is a way around that. if you set a screen lock code and then do the wrong code 10 times in a row it automaticly does a factory reset
Techgen Does anyone know if the gentech filter for flip phones (from their website) works for the Kyocera dura xv or extreme? It says on the website for classic or exalt only, im curious if anyone tried it for other phones.