• Google play services

ijretro2008 umm i dont remeber

ijretro2008 what do you mean don't remember ? you don't
have it?
either way you can post it unmodified and i will take care of it.

    i didnt remember the version ill post it in a sec

    • YEG likes this.

    if i can succsessflully modify it i will post the modified apk here

      i hope one of us can modify it to give accses to fuetures like backup in 2048

      ijretro2008 oh! now i got my mistake!
      i'm talking about the "apktool" version....
      so which "apktool" version do you use?
      the later versions are crashing on my Kyocera when I try to open an app from storage. (I have an older version working well but it's missing lot of features and it's in Russian not in English...)