heres the signing keys
Google play services
PpracticalLevel 2 - Senior Member
ijretro2008 so where is the app?
im having trobule signing it
ohh heres the new apk 1 sec
sorry internet is slow 2 minutes until fully uploaded
heres the modified apk [Login to see the link]
PpracticalLevel 2 - Senior Member
ijretro2008 wow !!!
thanks !!!
will try it right away
ok Thanks!! hopefully you can sign it i will try as well
PpracticalLevel 2 - Senior Member
here [Login to see the link]
thanks will try to install on my lg classic
PpracticalLevel 2 - Senior Member
ijretro2008 on my kyocera it's stoping
i get an error
Linux shell: isaiah@isaiah-B460M-DS3H-AC-Y1:~/Downloads$ adb install playservicesflip[1].apk
adb: failed to install playservicesflip[1].apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/ Package has no signatures that match those in shared user; ignoring!]
what singer are you using
it might be our user IDs conflicting
i removed google services framework it it succsessflilly installed
but now its chrasing
now google services framework wont install
ima try changing somthing