• New Forum Search Option

  • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

  • Edited

Hi everyone,
Whenever someone asks a question that was discussed already, I often tell them to use the search function to find it; However after trying the search myself a few times, I realized that the built in search feature doesn't work so well (I'm not sure why, but many things don't show up). So I put together a custom Google search that searches the forum, and the main apps4flip site, hopefully that will be more helpful when you're trying to find something.
(Google puts some promoted results in the beginning, you can ignore those)

You can search by clicking [Login to see the link]

  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    great. (wish amazon.com had a better search engine like that...
    But how are people going to know to use that?

      can they code that search bar into the website

      16 days later

      I have seen it done before on other forums that the regular search bar accesses such a Google custom search and not the forums built in search engine

      We are looking into this, we would have to do it via js injection which is something we would prefer to avoid for now, but if we can figure out a cleaner way to integrate it in then we will do it

        If I look for where I saw this and send you a link would you be able to see how they are doing it?

        Flippy you can do this yourself on any website by typing for example site:Amazon.com into the Google search bar after your keywords.

        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        • Edited

        Apps4Flip-Admin Google offers you the code to integrate into the website, I can give it to you, or you can easily set up a new search yourself.

        6 months later
        9 months later
        4 months later