• Sonim XP3 PLUS


I've try matvt-v1.03-phone but

SETUP PERMISSION : Open new windows "feature not availabe"

and try


with WEBADB command :
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.voicecommand
appops set com.android.cts.appsflipcursor SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1
settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.cts.appsflipcursor/com.android.cts.appsflipcursor.services.MouseEventService
am startservice com.android.cts.appsflipcursor/com.android.cts.appsflipcursor.services.MouseEventService

IS THIS VERSION ALL GRANT but see mouse move and NOT PICK!!!

Have install that version but all grant and same problem see mouse moveit but not pick

2 months later

[Login to see the link] And does anybody know why GroupMe won't install? I have no problem installing the other apps, but when it comes to GroupMe, although WebAdb says the installation is complete, the app just doesn't show up...

What's the difference between the xp3 and the xp3 plus?

And is it the same fat? Is battery life any better? And what's the price difference? Thank you for the info.

[Login to see the link] Same thickness, slightly taller and wider, the phone and apps are superfast, there are however a couple of issues, to my knowledge there is a problem installing the mouse (as described on this forum) and the texting is a little more annoying, plus a couple of minor issues...i did email sonim technologies to report these issues (except for the mouse issue) hopefully they fix them in an update

    anonymousflipphone Good luck with that, I tried emailing them about bugs in the xp3 and they never responded. Let me know if you have better luck!

    a month later

    Is there a way to access the recent apps on the xp3 plus?