chaimzalman have you found the new flip phone, or you found the Fig F21 phone?
New FIG Kosher Phone
CchaimzalmanLevel 1 - Junior Member
MXRJR the flip
chaimzalman can u send me a super curios because they told me that they made wouldn't make sense that its already out there.
CchaimzalmanLevel 1 - Junior Member
MXRJR how do you want me to sent it
Apps4Flip-Admin added the Other tag .
22 days later
ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Any updates?
CchaimzalmanLevel 1 - Junior Member
Flippy does it work on ATT
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
chaimzalman Yes
CchaimzalmanLevel 1 - Junior Member
Flippy you tried it? Because i heard from a store that it doesnt work on ATT...
I just got the fig flip and it doesn't work with my Total Wireless(which is a Verizon MVNO) sim card, I also tried it with a Selectel sim and it didn't work, it only worked with a US Mobile sim
CchaimzalmanLevel 1 - Junior Member
csp Where did you purchase it?