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  • New FIG Kosher Phone

  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    • Edited

    MXRJR are you referring to the new version which is not publicly out yet (FIG FLIP II)?

    Helix_X_Dome Sorry talking about the fig flip 1 which for some reason they marketed as the fig flip 2 but is actually just the fig flip one with the number 2 afterwards. Now they are coming out with a new model which they are calling the fig flip II. You can thank them for the confusion.

    any answer to this? if they already have one in stock that they can technically sell its muttar

      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        • Edited

        MXRJR Pricey means that if you can pay, then u get what u need, if you cannot pay, then you don't.

        If they can pay they would get Verizon approval and not tell customers to lie about the IMEI to trick Verizon into activating it

        Biden2020prez There are apps on there (e.g. waze) which by default have issues, and need to be filtered. There are many tools to do this in a strong manner., especially when building AOSP from scratch. They probably have many protections, so even if someone managed to get around some things, there would be other ways to block that. They probably also have some remote access to patch things if needed (does this phone get system updates by the way?)

        Biden2020prez Well, there is one difference. Usually you are warned before a system update, and need to press download (at least you get a little while before they force it). but a kosher filter likely has a way to do it remotely automatically.

        Now that you bring it up, without getting into specifics, I will mention that the phone did have some backdoor issues with being able to access the internet via EDITED, which they fixed via an OTA software update. The phone does get periodical software updates to fix glitches (and usually introduce some new ones). The updates are not forced, they do not have that type of control over the device.
        As an example, the first run of devices had a video player built-in. Until later on, the powers that be decided it was not kosher enough, and decided to remove it in a later update, Whoever had it on that version was able to have video playback, unless they downloaded the new software, which some people choose to refrain from, and stick with the old software,

        Biden2020prez So, I guess this get into a very complicated Sugya of abortion. When is the phone considered born? Is it murdering the phone to put a custom build of AOSP if the chinese sent it with a browser 🙂? Do we say their phone their choice? What about by vaccines, do we say their phone their choice? But, point is, many politics involved.

        😂 Well said. I would call this, Born goyish and then converted, Its Kosher now, and (supposedly) irreversible. But it was born Android. Real android, not bits and peices of it like other off the beat phones (PUNKT, etc.)

        Biden2020prez In terms of making a phone based off a fully new operating system, I agree with

        [Login to see the link] lets be honest that is a very far fetched dream, I cannot begin to imagine the money and recourses this would require.

        That would be like building windows, building android, etc. And even Android is based off Linux. And KaiOS, which is custom for flips, is based off linux.

        Also agree. Even light phone II, and PUNKT, with large budgets and real programmers, are built on android. But they don't claim to be something they are not.
        If it was 'Born Kosher, they would never be able to have a backdoor internet issue like the one mentioned above.

          • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

            EKASSIN They have samples. Ask an LOR of that works....

            Helix_X_Dome He probably meant that they would tell the manufacturer to add a button or change the look of a button. It's very unlikely that FIG has the manafacturing capability to do such a thing.Or he meant to change the function of a pre-existing button, which FIG (or the manufacturer) could do, but it's unlikely that they would bother doing that when they could just ask the manafacturer to do it for them.

            This is getting me a bit curios as to how you are viewing the process of this production. As I know for a matter of fact, the factory in which FIG uses to create their phones will do all the necessary manufacturing that's needed, there's is no manufacturing beyond that. FIG has no additional manufacturing resources of their own. However, unlike the idea that FIG "just took some phone off the Alibaba market and sold it", they have full manufacturing control within the factory to be able to add, take away, enlarge, decrease, you get the point.
            A good example is the fact that when I first saw the samples, they had a bad hinge, and not such an attractive plastic housing, and then I viewed newer samples in which the hinge was changed and the housing was updated to a stronger and sleeker plastic. They do have the ability to add buttons, and they can change its function as well. But all this is done by the factory as I know for a fact.

            Helix_X_Dome Mr Jeff Li (who speaks a near perfect English, mind you)

            Well, its easy to speak perfect English when texting with super smart ai manipulated language translation. I dont think he thinks with perfect English.

            Flippy If they can pay they would get Verizon approval and not tell customers to lie about the IMEI to trick Verizon into activating it

            Could be they would get verified if they are able to, i don't think they didn't do everything in their power to get this done. Just saying that I've seen many diff fringe phones out there (Unihertz, something like those) that require you to do the same when using Verizon, I think Verizon has the problem being flexible with their verification.

              • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                MXRJR super smart ai manipulated language translation.

                Relax. We are a long way from that if they cant even get English spell check. Many more examples from all over the web, just this was the was an extreme example, being that they produce phones for Verion, yet still can't get a basic spell check on their one-page website. I have yet to see a Chinese fool anyone with perfect English.

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                MXRJR Could be they would get verified if they are able to, i don't think they didn't do everything in their power to get this done. Just saying that I've seen many diff fringe phones out there (Unihertz, something like those) that require you to do the same when using Verizon, I think Verizon has the problem being flexible with their verification.
                Incorrect. Unihertz just asks to activate the SIM in a different phone then move it. Not to give a different IMEI, while its in the fig to get SMS working. If you think that's the same thing, try it yourself. (Verizon rep: "Hmm the IMEI you provided seems to be active on 30 other accounts")
                They did everything, except what you need to do. Pay the fees.

                Flippy Well said. I would call this, Born goyish and then converted, Its Kosher now, and (supposedly) irreversible. But it was born Android. Real android, not bits and peices of it like other off the beat phones (PUNKT, etc.)

                Ya but you know "Ger Shenisgayer Kekatan Shenolad dami" so even if it was a ger you can still call it Born Kosher!!!

                  mkw also what's about ribis (ריבית) for the pre orders

                  what shayches ribis its cheaper now to preorder not more expensive?? BASICS

                    I was saying that FIG might have full control over the Chinese factory and can fully customize the phone to their liking, whether it be hinges or color or texture or material or processor or memory (or even regarding software like removing the browser etc.),they have this control over the manafacturing process by telling the manafacturer to do such and such (like I literally said before), but they don't do anything by themselves with their own employees in some sort of hypothetical inhouse facility in the U.S. - that doesn't exist. Everything is made overseas. That's what I meant when I said that they don't have the manafacturing capability to add buttons, that is by themselves, without the Chinese manafacturer and their facility. So I'm not sure what you are curious about. What I said was pretty clear, like how you put it:

                    FIG has no additional manufacturing resources of their own

                    That's all that I was trying to say - that nothing is made by FIG themselves in-house (besides some software like the fig messenger app), rather they tell the manafacturer what to do, and they do it for FIG. That's it. That's all I meant to say. I'm was never coming to say that FIG just "takes off phones off alibaba and sells them". Of course, they customize it to their liking, the manufacturer produces it, and FIG sells it like they did with the fig flip one. Just over here FIG customized it a bit more for the better.

                    Tl;dr:We are saying the same thing, and you are just stating what has already been said.

                    Well, its easy to speak perfect English when texting with super smart ai manipulated language translation. I dont think he thinks with perfect English.

                    Listen, I don't know what kind of world you live in, but in mine there is no such thing as a "perfect English" translated by "SUPER SMART A.I.-MANIPULATED LANGUAGE TRANSLATION MACHINE 2000" or something like that. If it makes you feel better to think that he doesn't speak English (even though you never spoke to him), then fine, think that way all you want lol.

                    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      • Edited

                      PHONEHOCKER You are incorrect, learn through the halachos, get a basic understanding, and read some modern-day examples, and you will understand quite quickly that early-bird discounts are indeed a ribbis issue.
                      [Login to see the link] something to get you started


                      Cute but maybe we are getting to lomdish over here,,,

                      please help me understand. all these kosher phones either buying it kosher or taking it to tag to filter it, that means you are blocked from doing all the app installs that are taugh on this website?

                        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                        PHONEHOCKER No, it can be an issue to pre-order for a cheaper price, if they don't have it in stock you're basically lending them money now to use, and they'll pay you back later at a higher price. It's not simple, but definitely not "BASICS". Ask your LOR.

                        • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                          Biden2020prez Probably why no one on this site actually uses these phones according to my brief survey.


                          MXRJR I mentioned this before on this thread, that I'm not advertising for this company at all, I don't make a penny from them either, I just am affiliated to the people that created it and I am a beta tester for them. So I'm just here to give the info that keeps the oilam informed.

                          24 days later

                          which phone on alibaba is it and does it run off an asop system

                          mkw Approved Apps
                          Waze, Calendar, Zmanim, Notes, Calculator, New beautiful offline music player, Weather,

                          ***Please note that due to Rabbinical advisement video is not supported on the phone.

                          See [Login to see the link]

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