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Flippy Yes that would be possible through Groupme's API. but it requires a server for a Groupme webapp, and also a grouome bot and some complex setup.

    Yes dan deals does something like that

    Biden2020prez why would you need the webapp you can just make a chat then send out the headlines or something like that

    Hiii I was able to use npr and groupme with ifttt to get all their titles via sms

    (their news is really liberal and biased)

    • Hiii replied to this.

      Also how do I join the one you made or make my own

      Or do you know how Rockland news works

      Biden2020prez I used to get Kol Haolam with IFTTT by hooking up Twitter, but now they stopped it on free accounts. I'm thinking of trying with rss feeds.

        Techgen Twitter themselves also may have started charging, not sure though.

        but I have another solution. If you know python try making a python (or any other language really) script using the groupme api to post in your group. its what i used to make myself bots and sms tools. and a lot of the code was written by ai

        • ekjr replied to this.

          ekjr start with a random Jewish one to see if it works and once it works you can add other ones

          Like yeshiva world start with

          ekjr is it possible to do one with texting??

          ekjr Email isn't so good in my opinion.

          • ekjr replied to this.

            does anyone have the number for new chatgpt that you call

            ekjr very not simple to do on a flip phone, and some phones don't support it, and some carriers support it worse than others
            It's possible I guess but very inconvenient.

            • ekjr replied to this.

              Biden2020prez I tried using groupME api but you can't mute every body and all other texting api's that I know of charge.