Hi Folks, so I have an issue with the WIfi/BT chip not responding after flashing neutron.img.

All these directions make sense. I have perused this thread and a host of other resources, including searches on this forum and others, and I don't think anyone has had this exact issue with the TCL Flip 2.

I've done all the required steps, up to flashing neutron.img, but when the phone starts up, after selecting "English," the phone asks me to "turn on" Wifi to select a network. However, this does nothing for a few seconds, before an error screen flashes and disappears so quickly that I can't actually select either of the options. I had to record a video of the screen with my phone just so I could see what it even is or says. Here's a screenshot:
[Login to see the link]

Googling the issue generally suggests Magisk is interfering with the wifi through a module incompatibility, but all suggested fixes involve utilizing ADB... which I can't use because I can't get past this prompt to the dialer to punch in the USB debugging toggle...

So I guess I'm asking for help and if anyone has experienced this....

is there a stock rom or stock boot.img? With the neutron.img I lost wifi and I thought it was something I did so I factory reset the phone. Now I cannot use the phone as it requires wifi to be on before I can use the phone and wifi cannot turn on after using neutron.img.

    [Login to see the link] yes, we're in the same boat. However, I'm pretty sure your issue is the same as mine. If you take a video of your Flip 2's screen after selecting "Turn on" and pause the video at the right point, you'll catch an error alert that only lasts a 30th of a second, but it actually says that "Bluetooth Keeps failing" - meaning that the bluetooth encounters an issue when the phone attempts to switch the Wifi radio on. Perhaps the BT/Wifi are the same chip. In any case, it's actually a bluetooth issue.

    [Login to see the link] I actually did flash the updated stock boot.img that [Login to see the link] had suggested in the Kosher Rom flash prep. My understanding from his post was that the super being flashed could have issues with an older un-updated boot.img. Anyways, I tried flashing that one, but the issue remains...

    This leads me to wonder if there's some incompatibility between the OS that my phone shipped with and the neutron.img or newer standard boot.img that I then flashed. I bought my phone refurbished, and so I wonder if that means it was sitting in inventory for a longer time and has an older build of OS than the OS on Flip 2 handsets manufactured and purchased new more recently. I have looked around for "original" or "Stock" boot.img and/or super.bin, but I can't seem to find any posts from anyone anywhere. Any help would be amazing.

      [Login to see the link] I've been looking through this thread and I don't see an explanation of the preferred method for actually flashing that .zip update to the phone. I flashed neutronscott's recovery.img file but after flashing when I boot into recovery it doesn't appear to be any different than the original recovery (no options to flash an update from a microsd or anything of that nature, etc). Also, flashing the boot.img from inside the Zip did not change the situation. Still having that BT/Wifi issue after the device boots up.

      I know that prior to [Login to see the link]'s arrival on the scene there was a back and forth about flashing custom ROMs using TWRP and rooting and such (and even talk of usb mice with an OTG for using it), but it appears that was abandoned after neutronscott's more simply interventions made a custom ROM and rooting irrelevant to the goals of the folks in this thread. I haven't been able to find anyone after that discussing the flashing of an entire update, and the explanations of the flashing of kosher super.bin files don't seem to be super helpful as this stock rom update is in a .zip format and doesn't contain any discrete super files (that I can tell at least), and while I don't know much in a technical sense I know better than to randomly grab files that look like something I recognize and just starting flashing away.

      Any help or direction on this front is appreciated. If I am doing a poor job of searching for these answers, I apologize. I have spent good time running searches but don't seem to have found what I'm looking for.

        Matcha Flashing the boot.img from inside the zip is exactly what I was recommending you to do.

        The main change Scott made to recovery was he added the ability to use ADB from inside recovery. He did not make sideloading update zips possible, because recovery usually checks the signature verification of zip files.

        However, since the zip here is official TCL, it may work to sideload it (likely has tcl signature). You can try to run from recovery:

        adb reboot sideload
        adb sideload update.zip ##replace with the zip filename

        It's possible flashing Zips after rooting can have bad effects, although I don't think you'll have an issue because you already flashed back the stock boot image, and the zip itself had a boot.img. But I never tried this and I don't take responsibility for anything that might happen, although I expect it to go smoothly.

        You didn't do anything else besides flashing Magisk's boot.img? The only other suggestion I can think of is doing a factory reset (via recovery), and turning on the phone without a sim card. But that's a random guess. If you flash back ALL the stock partitions (in other words, any partition you modified), you can also try fastboot flashing lock to relock the bootloader.

        Why is my device constantly being disconnected with "no emulators found"? and in phone settings "USB" becomes greyed out?

          Random tip. If anyone is looking for a good music player, i found that musicolet works really well. Its very small, plays multiple formats, and works mostly with the d pad. As per the faq it doesn't even request internet permission.

            Jumptoheaven Yeah, Musicolet is great. I've tried porting it to LG, but it uses a strong protection. I got close but the songs won't play.

            Anyways, yup, it's great.

            Biden2020prez how slow it is and how long it takes to load. Also it shows everything double

            I'm curious, if the issue with my phone was that it was on an older update and that was the issue with neutron's boot, could I install the update recovery? The only issue is I'd need to find a place to download the KEEZ update.

            Biden2020prez Just on a side note, did you figure out how to capture the files through adb while updating the phone?

            I am using neutronscott's ROM and I am trying to get voice access. I tried to install the apps4flip apk on it but adb gave me a signature error Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE: Reconciliation failed...: Reconcile failed: Package com.android.cts.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess has no signatures that match those in shared user com.google.android.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess.uid; ignoring!]
            I then tried an apk from APKMirror and APKPure and again I was unsuccessful. This time with a different error. Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]
            Finally, I tried downloading voice access from the Aurora Store on my phone. After it was installed I opened it and a pop-up stated that I need to enable accessibility permissions. When I clicked "OK" it took me to a hidden accessibility setting page on the phone where it quickly scrolled down and all-of-a-sudden it closed up on me and returned to the home screen. I tried again and the same result took place with the phone telling me "Settings keeps stopping."
            I then tried to enable it through adb with the commands on the apps4flip website, but it to was to no avail. 🤔🤔🤔
            If there are any suggestions I am open with wide arms. 🤗

              oh, re-read a fews posts up and you talk about probably being able to install update from recovery. But as there is no response to that post yet, I guess no one has tried it. If I can be pointed to the update file I will try it and report back.

              My only other thought is to get a second phone, since it was only $20 and pull the firmware off it and put it on the unlocked phone, sort of like cloning one phone onto another. Not sure how to do that, but I'd be willing to try that if the update doesn't fix it. Then I'd have a backup phone in case I break mine, which I somehow do a lot (part of why I moved to a flip phone).

                Reifam Yes. The apps4flip commands are not going to work. Use this app.

                lgexalter1 I modified this accessibility manager too work on all devices (hopefully). [Login to see the link]
                Remember you need to run adb shell pm grant com.android.cts.accessibility android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
                Works fine now on Alcatel TCL Flip 2 (T408DL)

                If this helps, upvote his post [Login to see the link]

                  • ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                    • Edited

                    Biden2020prez Thanks for the help.
                    I am having a bit of an issue. I downloaded it and it worked perfectly, but as a mistake, I set there to be a floating icon. So I tried messing with it and couldn't get it to open up voice settings. Next, I tried to delete it and reinstall it. I looked around on adb for the package name (with the "-3" filter option) and I saw two options com.android.cts.accessibility and com.google.android.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess I deleted both. After reinstalling the apk file I opened it and gave it permission, but then it didn't give me the option for voice access. I then went back to my computer and saw that only the first package was installed and not the second. Do you know why this happened and how to solve it?