Ppotecha Here is a simple breakdown. The phones internal storage is called /sdcard. So, if the zip is in the root of internal storage (i.e. the same directory as the Download, Documents, Music Folders), it would be /sdcard/vmouse(2).zip

if its in download it would be /sdcard/download/vmouse(2).zip

the (2) is in case its vmouse2.zip

Hi all
I have a question on this phone in general.. after all my playing around with this phone, I want to know on a few things if they will also be changed.
For example, when I place a call can I go back to the phone features? Like message, notepad, even basic bluetooth settings? Also how about Message Plus, or Google messages, is it possible to work on this phone?

Augh okay after trying to figure this out myself for far too long, I need to ask for help! I’m following NeutronScott’s guide, and I’m stuck at the part where I’m supposed to get the phone to reboot into fastboot. The version of MTK Meta he links is V52, but when I download that and try to run it, it refuses to run because it’s outdated and sends me to the developer’s FB page to download the latest version from his page instead. I don’t know if the software now being V103 and having had the name changed to “Android Utility” changes anything (on his FB page the dev says he renamed it to reflect the fact that his software’s uses have expanded.) Anyway, I plug the phone in unpowered as instructed and do “Reboot Fastboot Mode” under the MediaTek -> BootROM tabs. It does “Waiting for mtk usb device”… until it times out after a few minutes. It would appear that it doesn't see the phone. If I do “Reboot Fastboot Mode” while the phone is on, the phone reboots but reboots in normal mode. Same thing when I run “adb reboot-bootloader” in the command window. I don't know what I'm missing here!

I've been able to use ADB commands to disable browser, email, and music, and disabling distracting software has been a great first step, but I really want to ADD software too. But I can’t until I get the phone to fastboot. I’m stuck on this step. Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated!!!

    FliphoneBochur Ah thank you so much!! I was able to follow this to successfully get into fastboot!! But I'm stuck again, I got all the way to step F, but I keep getting "fastboot: error: ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT not set" when I try to do "fastboot flash boot neutron.img". Even though I set both the system and user environment paths to point to where the img is, and when I enter "set ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" it seems to confirm it's using the correct directory because it spits out "ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT = C:\Android\platform-tools\"... I'm googling but can't seem to find a solution, I'm lost...

      papermario is the neutron.img file in the same directory that you are running the command from?

        Biden2020prez thanks, and thanks to everyone else who replied. I'll look in this thread for the voice access apk.
        Something helpful for me with installing APKs for everyone else is the ADB App Control app for windows. I use it to debloat my big samsung phone and tablets, but found it very easy to use it to push apk's without having to use command line.

        Biden2020prez SOLVED! I had to remove the spaces from the set command and do "set ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=C:\Android\platform-tools" instead of "set ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT = C:\Android\platform-tools"!

        Well, I got voice installed and it does some things when I ask it to. Have yet to figure out how to make it type in the messages text box yet, though.
        Also, I tried using ADB to install vmouse2 via magisk, and it didn't give any errors afterwards, but magisk says no modules are installed, and holding any star key does not bring up the mouse. I feel so odd... I used to put Android Eclair on my windows mobile phone for fun back in the mid 2000s. And now I'm lost.
        Is there a way to kill the constant notification for voice access, and get the untouchable button off my home screen?
        [edit: figured most all this out, I'm good now}

        Ah, I understand voice better now. Actually not concerned about mouse pointer nearly so much as voice puts a number on everything on screen and "touch [say the number, ie. 1] clicks it for me.
        again, appreciate all the info from the devs and people who did the hard work on this!
        Now, if I can figure out how to get emojis for text responses I'd be golden.

          I've seen a few people say that Android Auto isn't compatible with this OS. Has anyone figured out a workaround?

            Alright, thanks to you awesome people I have successfully rooted and have been able to do all kindsa stuff! (The app I'm most excited about having gotten working is Zepp Life, I didn't think I would be able to use my Mi Band with a flip phone!) However after messing around with my rooted flip for a couple days, there's a few things I just CANNOT figure out:

            1) Accessibility Settings crashes when it tries to load items #10 or #11. I don't know what those items are or whether this is fixable.

            2) How do I get the dang floating action button (FAB) to go away for Voice Access?? It's the bane of my existance right now to have it always floating over my screen when I'm not actively using Voice Access, like a stupid sticker I can't get off my screen!

            3) The apps4flip version of Button Mapper won't install, I get the error "adb: failed to install C:\Android\platform-tools\buttonmappera4f.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]". I have no idea what library it wants. The latest version of Button Mapper I found on an APK website works though. (Version 3.09) But I can't remap any number keys with it because that's paywalled. I paid for the pro version on my smart phone, but can't activate the purchase on the Flip 2 because "billing not initialized". I really want to be able to remap the number keys to the installed apks in place of a launcher and to quick toggle settings.

            Any help or tips with any of these would be very appreciated!!

              lgexalter1 Ah, somehow I missed that in all my googling! I was able to make it a toggle with the volume key as well, awesome! Tysm!

              Biden2020prez This one, the one from Apps4Flip. I have no idea what #10 and #11 might be because it instantly crashes before scrolling to them.

              how do open apps after installing them om the phone

                including an app launcher