Biden2020prez [Login to see the link] Well it turns out I can't compare second-newest and newest versions because either the phone forced updated itself or I had consented to the update and had just forgotten, because I opened my locked Flip to find it on a screen showing it had just updated. 😅 But I can compare it with the rooted phone which is on neutron.img.
I didn't realize there was something wrong with the calendar haha I thought it just sucked! The updated calendar looks great. Even has a dot for events. Only monthly mode has changed, weekly and daily mode look the same as before. Rooted Flip calendar vs latest update calendar:
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I didn't know what I was supposed to be looking for WRT call history/what's wrong with it. But the new version and old version look exactly the same to me. Took pics in case it helps:
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The options seem to be the same, from going through them and looking for differences in the items available. Haven't investigated more thoroughly to compare each item's details.