New ADB Method
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Reifam I don't know if the benefits outweigh the risks, I think [Login to see the link] needs to decide
ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Techgen Thanks (Hopefully [Login to see the link] sees this discussion)
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Biden2020prez #LASTRESORT
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Biden2020prez what was the picture?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
- Edited
16 days later
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Biden2020prez How do you post a picture directly to discussion without a link?
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
Flippy See the picture icon on bottom of the text box. Its next to add a link.
Edit: Whoops I see you've done it. [Login to see the link]
6 months later
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Ohhhh. Now I get it! (Picture a guy making a kal v'chomer motion. (I couldn't find a gif.))