• Apps
  • Wanted - functional forum app for the LG Classic Flip

can somebody please make a fully functioning apps4flip forums app that I can sign in from the LG classic

am I the only one that wants this?
(please reply if you are using this on a flip phone)

    BORED Yes I'm using this on a flip phone and it's very handy, but I have the xp3 which doesn't have the webview issue that the classics have.

      Techgen why is it different than other web to apk's which work (like the actual apps4flip site which fully works on a classic?)

        BORED If you were to go to the forums site on an LG Classic, it wouldn't load the full site because the phones webview doesn't support the full site, so the web to apk uses the same webview. In other words, even if you had chrome/firefox/the most advanced browser, the LG Classic doesn't support the full version of this Forum.

          Biden2020prez so why can't [Login to see the link] or whoever made this forums site change that? I find it very funny that a site about flip phones doesn't work with flip phones

          I wasn't here so long, so I don't know what the old one was, but I believe FreeFlarum is the one they transferred to.

          We used to use FreeFlarum, but we outgrew them so now we self host the software ourselves. The software is till flarum though, just hosted by us instead of a public provider.

            Apps4Flip-Admin changed the title to Wanted - functional forum app for the LG Classic Flip .

            Apps4Flip-Admin I don't know if you're interested in switching, but [Login to see the link] is a great free forum you can use (it's what DansDeals uses). It's very easy to quote other posts, it's a simple software that doesn't take crazy to load, it's pretty customizable (I think). Also, instead of just having different color Tags, when someone enters the Forum, they can choose what board they want to enter. (the home screen has a list of boards: LG Classic, ADB, Filtering, etc.) Each person has an option to view most recent unread posts. Also, you can make contributors get points based off how many posts they have, and how many likes (and it shows you have a good reputation). Also, I think you can make your own points category (EG, DansDeals gives a Hat Tips point for everyone who posts a deal that makes it to the main site). Also, I've never experienced the Admin side, but I think admins have a lot of control.

            In terms of flip phones, it should be supported on all the 4G phones (I think, if you wanna test it go to forums.dansdeals.com). However, on every phone (smart phones included) you have to scroll left and right (or make screen smaller) because it works best on computers. But it wouldn't be terrible at all, I suggest you try it on forums.dansdeals.com to get a feel. You can see [Login to see the link] for some solutions to fit better with a phone.

            I think it's also compatible to move the current forum to this new one. In general, it's a pretty nice Fourm, and if you are ever considering switching I'd try it (I know, it's not easy to keep switching).

              • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                • Edited

                Biden2020prez In my opinion this forum is far superior, I wish DansDeals would move to here. Aside of flip phone accessibility, this one is so much clearer nicer and easier to use.

                  Flippy Nah, it's easier at first, but once you get used to it, it's more confusing to find what you need. Here it's so disorganized. And the amount of people joining and making new posts about things that exist...

                  There they have posts with 300 pages, which is better, because you don't need to check 10 posts to figure out if your question was asked. It looks more complex, but once you get used to it, it's a lot easier.

                    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      Biden2020prez I guess your right in regards to some organization issues, but its definitely clearer to see a little reply arrow and a name and hover over it to see that post, than to see the ENTIRE quote over and over each time someone wants to reply to someone else. All we need here is a bit of organization.

                        Flippy Personally, I prefer seeing the full quote, it only gets annoying when its a big picture or something

                        Personally I don't either like dansdeals forums, it looks old and cluttered. Flarum is way more modern, cleaner and has plugins that handle 99% of use cases. In terms of having different discussion boards they have a plugin for that, just need to get a chance to install it.

                          Apps4Flip-Admin I was just about to ask that, that could be a game changer. Does Flarum have an option to PM other members? Also, I've seen people quote other posts here with the person's full post. Can someone PLEASE tell me how?