Lev26 Yes, that should work fine. I just wasn't sure what mouse Mglumpis has, and I also thought it's a good app to get in general.

I was unaware that mouse and voice work for exalt. I thought either or. as of now I have voice only and am trying to see all my future turns using voice . Can anyone help with just voice . As far as downloading mouse , please confirm that it works for exalt without messing up voice. And then I can use more simplified instructions on how to download mouse as I was born in the 70’s !

    Mglumpis Hi, let me try to simplify this! When you run ADB commands (like the commands on Apps4Flip main site that allow the mouse or voice access, do you use [Login to see the link] or your computer's terminal?

    Also, does the Waze app on your phone have a built in pointer?
    Lastly, does it show you on top what the next turn is?

    I hope this works for you! I tested this on my LG Classic and it worked to install voice access and apps4flip mouse together.

    Requirements: Windows computer, charging cord that works for file transfer

    1. Uninstall the current mouse app on your phone if you have one (on the exalt, Dial ##7764726220, put in code 000000, go to installed applications, go to the mouse, and press uninstall (right softkey).
    2. In the hidden menu(the one in parentheses in step 1, go to developer options, and enable USB debugging if it's not already enabled.
    3. click [Login to see the link] to download this folder, then open file manager and go to downloads (or if it downloads on bottom of the screen you can right click and press show in folder). Right click on Voice and a4fmouse setup folder and press extract all. Check the box show extracted files when complete, and press extract.
    4. It should open the extracted folder automatically. Click the file called setup, I recommend putting it in full screen
    5. Follow all the on screen instructions.

    Should work! If you have any questions, Let me know!

    (In terms of using just voice access to see directions, it's hard to say without seeing your phone. But you can try saying "Show Numbers" and if there is a number near the spot you would click, say "Touch (whatever_number_it_is))

    Good luck!

    Mglumpis I just tested using only voice to see next turns, you have to use the numbers that come up on the screen when you activate voice access, which is a little annoying because they keep changing which number is what. So first you say tap 1 assuming 1 is the number that represents the top bar where the next turns are located. Then instead of saying "scroll down" to see more turns, you need to specify which number to scroll down (which sounds like that was your issue), by me on the first turn there were three numbers in a row (6 7 8) the middle one (7) was the one that worked, so I would say "scroll 7 down". The numbers may be different by you, so try it out.

    Lev26 From what I understand, KCO mouse doesn't work on LG Exalt. How about MATVT? Thanks!

      • Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member

        • Edited

        Biden2020prez MATVT works.
        Now what would be great is if someone could get the KCO (which is matvt v. 1.06) to work on exalt. The scrolling function and other features makes it so much easier.

          Lev26 Is this MATVT? Doesn't it have scrolling?

          darth [Login to see the link] has a new mouse out that has been modified to work on the Classic. It has more options and the scrolling works with out the clicking glitch. [Login to see the link]
          To set the boss key to the star key its key 17. For getting it to work on the classic its the same commands as the a4fmouse just replace:

          The original source for the mouse is [Login to see the link]

          Edit: I see, that's KCO. So are Apps4Flip and MATVT are based of the same version, right?

            Biden2020prez Sort of. Matvt has more options, you can set the boss key.

            9 days later

            Thank u techgen for how to scroll down by my turns on Waze using voice. Is there a link for Waze app with pointer ? Thank u Biden for very clear simple instructions to download mouse but it didn’t work. I did enable debugging and I set to charge only and followed all setup instructions. Is there any confirmation that mouse and voice work with exalt not just either or ? Also can anyone help with attaching word documents to email or text on exalt ? Phone says can’t attach unsaved files ?

              You're welcome, I hope it was clear. As for sending docs in email, maybe try this Jumptoheaven

              • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                Mglumpis Also can anyone help with attaching word documents to email or text on exalt ? Phone says can’t attach unsaved files ?

                Try going directly to the file from file manager and selecting share from ther.

                12 days later

                To flippy thanks but it didn’t work. For techgen thanks for aqua mail I downloaded but can’t figure out how to use .

                  Mglumpis In terms of mouse and voice access, do you know how to run ADB commands?

                  • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  Mglumpis I'm not sure what you can't figure out, if you specify your problem then maybe I (or someone else) can help.

                  Mglumpis Yes, I can confirm it works. I forgot to include ADB files. I will add a new one here, this time an exe file. Just download and double click to run.
                  Note: After the file download, I needed to rename the file, adding .exe to the end. I'm not sure why it wasn't automatic. I uploaded another file (.zip). You shouldn't even need to extract it, just go inside and run the .exe file.

                  In terms of the accessibility app, this is how to use it


                  [Login to see the link]
                  [Login to see the link]

                  7 days later

                  Away and have very limited access . To techgen when i try to share with aqua mail it says no accounts for sending mail ?? Thanks Biden for mouse. I don’t have download access for few weeks

                    Mglumpis Did you already set up your email account in the aquamail app?

                    12 days later