• Filters
  • I made a very easy DIY filter for dummies (with LG phones)

CallMeACynic Appreciate your input. I never claim this replaces a tag filter, and it certainly doesn't provide the same lebel of kashrus. I am not worried of people thinking this is going to give them the same thing as tag. This is for people who will filter their phone using ADB Anyways.

    Biden2020prez What if 1 person uses it instead of getting their phone tagged? You don't want that on your cheshbon. Besides for the fact that you don't want to help people do things they shouldn't do, even if they'll do it anyways. And if you decide you really really really want to put it out, at least have a huge disclaimer notice saying that it isn't tagging, explaining why, explaining why it isn't even a filter, and that the gedolei hador have unequivocally stated that everyone should have a properly protected phone, which this won't provide.

      CallMeACynic I think you are taking this too far.

      This is not being offered as a TAG filter alternative. This is a way to put kosher apps on your phone, and a way to remove the browser, or other unsafe utilities. If it's not good enough for your kashrus level, don't put it on your phone.

      Phone filters are not cheap unfortunately, hence the popularity for removing browser and other things via ADB. It can be put back via factory reset, but the TAG filter can be removed even without factory reset. Yes, it's true this still allows factory reset, I have posted in other places on this forum about disabling that.

      CallMeACynic Besides for the fact that you don't want to help people do things they shouldn't do, even if they'll do it anyways.

      Umm... I don't look at this as something someone shouldn't do. Many people don't remove the browser from their phone, and this makes it one step easier.

      I don't think you realize how many people say "It's a dumbphone anyway, I don't need a filter". I will tell you from personal experience it's a lot of people. And they aren't interested in paying $25+ at TAG for a filter. This can be a great step in the right direction.

      I am happy for anyone to get their phone tagged, but at the end of the day, it's not a solution for everyone, and other options should be available. I am happy to be part of an amazing forum of people (including me) working hard to bring amazing kosher options free of charge, and I wont let trolls like you stop us.

      • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      CallMeACynic Maybe call me a cynic, but I see that you joined the forum 6 months ago, and you didn't seem to have an issue with not going to TAG then, so I'm not sure what caused your sudden burst of inspiration. The entire apps4flip site is pretty much relying on the fact that you'll remove the browser with ADB, because if you properly TAG your phone you won't be able to have any of the apps on it. [with the exception of the few phones that ppl made kosher roms for]. So I'm not sure why you're beating up on [Login to see the link] , he just automated what you would be doing anyway with the instructions on the apps4flip site.
      [And yes, both I and the admins behind apps4flip agree that taking your phone to TAG is generally more secure than the options available on this site, however for those that know themselves, and honestly can say that ADB is good enough, they can have the option to add kosher apps. As it says on the main site, the mission of apps4flip is to prevent ppl from getting a smartphone just becuse they need a few apps. If a father is looking to filter a phone for his son, I would definitly say to take it to TAG and not have apps.]

        Techgen But most fathers are not so tech savvy so they dont know the difference when their kid says they removed the browser and show him a phone thats adb removed. lets get real this website is mostly for teenage kids who should absolutely have a real TAG filter (other than the TCL flip kosher ROM). No average person is interested or has time on their hands to figure out ADB etc only kids teenagers

          Techgen First of all I had a Schok, which you remove stuff with ADB and then use Lock Control (which was built in) to disable reset and Developer Settings. And yes, I did end up getting my phone tagged (my 8th Schok) because I wanted to stay as far away from an untgged phone as possible.
          Second of all, while I'm sure the people from apps4flip have noble intentions and none of them are malicious, I don't think that anybody should take their own initiative in these areas, without consulting rabbonim. And I have a feeling I know what the rabbonim would say.
          But I'll accept the flak for not having a tagged phone, because I deserve it. I'm maskim I was wrong for doing it, so I have no right to get defensive.

            chaimzalman Yes, its a major problem how parents don't chap. You can just show them it doesn't have a browser, and they think its tagged.
            I don't think most parents or rebbeim realize the difference between a kosher phone and a not kosher phone. Its a shtickel abstract for people that aren't in the parsha.

              CallMeACynic Quote from Apps4Flip.com

              Parents, bochurim, and yungerleit be warned: A filter is a must for using these 4G phones. A person owning one of these phones without a filter is placing himself/herself in a really really bad situation. For this same reason, we provide kosher apps and not telegram, whatsapp, chrome, youtube, etc. As for which filters work with these apps, and which filter is better or worse, we do not take a position, as things are constantly changing. Please consult with your local TAG office, GEDER office, Livigent, etc., to find out what your options are.

              • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              chaimzalman But most fathers are not so tech savvy so they dont know the difference when their kid says they removed the browser and show him a phone thats adb removed.

              That's unfortunate. Thats why I've always said, no filter is enough without informed and vigilant parents.

              • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              CallMeACynic And yes, I did end up getting my phone tagged

              Good for you!

              CallMeACynic Second of all, while I'm sure the people from apps4flip have noble intentions

              Okay, I'm still not sure what you want specifically from [Login to see the link]

              CallMeACynic I don't think that anybody should take their own initiative in these areas, without consulting rabbonim.

              Like [Login to see the link] said, who said they didn't consult their Rabbeim?

              25 days later

              wow thank you so much! i have been trying to find a simple and good filter that i can install myself for weeks. this took me less than two minutes! so clear and easy. thanks

                FliphoneBochur Hmm.. Sounds great. maybe we can create a great project together. I'll send you an email

                18 days later

                Trying to use your app tp remove the browser from my LG phone, it doesnt work for me.

                I get the following, but it doesnt remove anything. The debugging is set to 'on' and the device is attached to my computer with 'USB File' transfer selected.

                'Type the number of what you want to remove, and press enter. If you don't want to remove any more apps, type [D]: 1

                Please Confirm!

                Are you sure you want to uninstall the browser [Y/N]: Y
                adb.exe: no devices/emulators found

                Press any key to continue . . .'

                Can you help me?

                  malki2003 Yes, select charging (not file transfer). And make sure you enabled USB Debugging inside developer options