Apps4Flip-Admin We will be updating these forums over the next few days to help protect us better against spam. The site may be slow or unavailable at times so please be patient with us. We will keep the community updated as we progress through the updates.
Apps4Flip-Admin [Login to see the link] I have done that in the past but I am having trouble viewing a users ip. How are you able to do that?
Techgen Apps4Flip-Admin problem is its too easy for them to change ip addresses. Is there some auto spam detector?
Apps4Flip-Admin So to combat spam I am looking at a multi pronged approach. I made it easier to mark a user as a spammer, once a user is marked as a spammer all of their posts and discussions are automatically deleted. I am going to be adding the stopforumspam database to our banned ip list so that we will automatically ban known spammer ips. The stopforumspam database gets updated very quickly, so that should help alot.
Techgen Apps4Flip-Admin Can you also block any Japanese/Chinese? That's a common theme with the spam posts
Biden2020prez I was so excited to test the new dislike button 🙂, but it doesn't let me like or dislike posts. But, I get to test out everything else: This is the coolest 🇹 🇭 🇮 🇳 🇬 ❗️
Biden2020prez The like button is working, but not thumbs up/down. ZTEGuy Mazal Tov! We should share many more simchos together! sdmde +1