• LG Classic Flip

Thank you very much for your time, for some reason most of the apps dosnt work by me.

    Apper I don't have the classic, you can ask about specific apps, maybe someone who has the classic will be able to tell you if it works by them

    • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

      Yms Interested, I thought they only have the Verizon version? How you using it on T-mobile? The bands are compatible?
      Only classic flip that's good for T-mobile was the Walmart family mobile device.

      • Yms replied to this.
        • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

          Yms Unfortunately contacts has stopped when I click to ''go' in the contact, after downloading that apk file and adding it as a contact as the web browser.
          Any other ideas?

          • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

            yk9813 Cool That worked, i guess that's the same as finding that contact and clicking go on that website. Thanks.

            • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

              Jumptoheaven What should it look like? when running the command?

              • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                Jumptoheaven Found it with the auto apk installer thanks though.

                • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                  • Edited

                  T-K First download the apk to your computer.
                  You can find it here...
                  [Login to see the link]
                  or go to the website and get the app.
                  [Login to see the link]

                  Then go to this page
                  [Login to see the link]
                  and install auto apk installer on the top and run it and find the file you want to install and it should work flawlessly. make sure to make the contact and add the webpage like the app says to do the website.
                  At first it didn't work and then i got it to work after trying this second way.
                  or you can do the trick by making another call and closing the phone to go to the home page and still be on the phone with your original phone call, you can toggle with the speakerphn button.

                  Here's what's needed to be done on the contact.

                  [Login to see the link]

                  • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                    ayid What can you do with lg voice command? meaning the built in one?

                    • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

                      Myi Hu?

                      • Myi replied to this.
                        • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                          yk9813 is there ever a time you can install what you erased?

                          • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                            Yms US Cellular runs of verizon network, does it not?

                            • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

                              Lg makes the classic flip for Us cellular its called the Wine 2LTE

                              • Myi replied to this.
                                • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                  ksav Make sure you have a thick wire and the usb debugging is enabled. A cheap wire will not work.

                                  • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                    T-K JUst use the auto installer to install the apps without any work on your end.
                                    btw for the lg classic flip not all the apps will work, youll need to go to apps4flips.
                                    not this site..
                                    [Login to see the link]

                                      • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                        ksav Get a better wire to connect to your phone to the computer.

                                        • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                          Yms That much i know, but what service provider does it work on? i thought the only one which is gsm branded was the lg classic flip from walmart family mobile?

                                          Also the wine2 is a pain to get a hold off, i tried every zip code possible, still looking to get a few of those.
                                          on ebay i saw some for 90$, curios what you paid for it?
                                          As well it seems you can get these unlocked as i saw a picture of someone selling the lg wine2 unlocked for $150.

                                          • Yms replied to this.
                                            • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                              • Edited

                                              Myi i called Us Cellular and they told me they dont lock it.
                                              I have T-Mobile it works fine except that on a call it says 4G not **4GLTE**

                                              • Myi replied to this.
                                                • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                                  Yms interesting, would love to know the bands of the device?
                                                  Any issue with a phone call, being not clear or choppy?

                                                  • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                                                    Myi How? Once the auto installer is installed, how do I load on the apk that I downloaded?
                                                    Did you do this for the LG Classic?

                                                    • Myi replied to this.