• LG Classic Flip

Archie The LG Classic does not work especially well on T-Mobile. It doesn't have all their bands.

    2 months later

    Flippy So I got around to reading it, and looked up my IMEI, but it's only 14 digits so I can't check compatibility with T-mobile - for that you need a 15 digit IMEI. I googled what it means when IMEI is only 14 digits and found [Login to see the link] saying that the phone is only CDMA capable. From there I went to [Login to see the link] page about CDMA networks, but I don't really understand it. Can someone explain it to me?

      • WwhynotLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member

        • Edited

        Archie different bands are different ways the phone sends and receives info. CDMA bands means the phone work with Verizon but your 4G data (and your calls) are being sent and received with (Voice hd) LTE (I think CDMA was Verizon’s 3G network and was phased out)

          whynot so how can I check if my phone is compatible with Tmobile if to do so I need a 15-digit IMEI, but my phone's IMEI only has 14 digits?

            Archie it might work with T-Mobile but on a 3G level. See if you can borrow someone’s T-Mobile sim and test it in your phone.

              whynot I have Tmobile. see my posts above Archie Archie - I stopped using it because I don't think all my calls and texts were coming through (but no way of knowing for sure how many weren't coming through). I would want to switch back to it but I need a phone that I know is working, so for now I'm using a TCL FLIP Go 4058W.
              But if there was a way for the LG to work on Tmobile reliably, I would go back to it.
              Only other alternative is maybe if I can get a comparably cheap plan that would work on that phone (right now I'm paying $20 a month for Tmobile)

                whynot T-mobile closed down their sprint cdma 3g network and u cant activate a new device on t-mobile if its not volte-voice over lte compatible Us mobile is a cheap alternative and works with a lot of good flip phones unlike Tmobile resellers like tello are only compatible with junky phones

                22 days later

                Myi why isnt the site working

                • Myi replied to this.
                  • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                    samtee long gone. Taken down.
                    Use apps4flips or web.abd or

                    2 months later

                    Atusb It installed, but I never really tested it's functionality

                      • AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member

                        • Edited

                        FliphoneBochur I was refering back to the mute contacts app.....

                        Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
                        Aug 25, 2022Edited
                        Try this: MuteContacts.apk
                        This app can silence your contacts. I haven't tested it out much, I don't know if it will fix your vibration issue, let me know once you try.

                        Unfortunately, there are prerequisites. This app uses a few permissions, like contacts and calling. It also needs do not disturb access].

                        I was able to setup that permissions via LG Rebel 4 Settings Mod, but on a phone with the regular settings app, the Mute Contacts app just crashes. I think there is an ADB Command to allow it, (probably one that start with adb shell appops set), but I couldn't figure it out. It's possible that there is an app that can allow those permissions, I'll look into that.

                        Note: If you decide to install LG Rebel 4 Settings Mod, do it via ADB, the instructions in the linked post don't work for many people.

                        Also note: When you open the app, there is a very annoying, useless introduction. There is a skip button, which doesn't work 🙁. So, you'll have to sit there for two minutes and watch it.

                          Atusb Read the message you quoted, it has the answer