• LG Classic Flip

Myi why isnt the site working

  • Myi replied to this.
    • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

      samtee long gone. Taken down.
      Use apps4flips or web.abd or

      2 months later

      Atusb It installed, but I never really tested it's functionality

        • AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member

          • Edited

          FliphoneBochur I was refering back to the mute contacts app.....

          Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
          Aug 25, 2022Edited
          Try this: MuteContacts.apk
          This app can silence your contacts. I haven't tested it out much, I don't know if it will fix your vibration issue, let me know once you try.

          Unfortunately, there are prerequisites. This app uses a few permissions, like contacts and calling. It also needs do not disturb access].

          I was able to setup that permissions via LG Rebel 4 Settings Mod, but on a phone with the regular settings app, the Mute Contacts app just crashes. I think there is an ADB Command to allow it, (probably one that start with adb shell appops set), but I couldn't figure it out. It's possible that there is an app that can allow those permissions, I'll look into that.

          Note: If you decide to install LG Rebel 4 Settings Mod, do it via ADB, the instructions in the linked post don't work for many people.

          Also note: When you open the app, there is a very annoying, useless introduction. There is a skip button, which doesn't work 🙁. So, you'll have to sit there for two minutes and watch it.

            Atusb Read the message you quoted, it has the answer

              Can you please read it from beginning to end?

              Atusb Sure. If you want to install those rebel 4 settings, and need help, let me know.

                • AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member

                  • Edited

                  Biden2020prez the file mamager is blank on webadb by me even though my phone is connected

                  and if i then hit connect again it says Error: Failed to execute 'claimInterface' on 'USBDevice': Unable to claim interface.

                  interactive shell says Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).

                  i ussually use adb of my computer..... any way to do it with this?

                    Atusb when i try doing those commands on my computer i get
                    Error: Can't open non-file: LGSettings.apk

                      Biden2020prez dunno.......................................................