LG Classic Flip
AArchieLevel 1 - Junior Member
whynot I have Tmobile. see my posts above Archie Archie - I stopped using it because I don't think all my calls and texts were coming through (but no way of knowing for sure how many weren't coming through). I would want to switch back to it but I need a phone that I know is working, so for now I'm using a TCL FLIP Go 4058W.
But if there was a way for the LG to work on Tmobile reliably, I would go back to it.
Only other alternative is maybe if I can get a comparably cheap plan that would work on that phone (right now I'm paying $20 a month for Tmobile)
WwhynotLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
- Edited
Archie see my [Login to see the link] for cheap phone plans
Mmoshe1Level 3 - Gold Member
whynot T-mobile closed down their sprint cdma 3g network and u cant activate a new device on t-mobile if its not volte-voice over lte compatible Us mobile is a cheap alternative and works with a lot of good flip phones unlike Tmobile resellers like tello are only compatible with junky phones
MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member
samtee use this.
[Login to see the link]
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Biden2020prez Does this work on LG Classic?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Atusb It installed, but I never really tested it's functionality
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Biden2020prez okay maybe ill try it soon
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Biden2020prez Na..... Keeps crashing
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Atusb See [Login to see the link] post. Remember: You could use the trick on bottom of [Login to see the link].
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
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FliphoneBochur I was refering back to the mute contacts app.....
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Aug 25, 2022Edited
Try this: MuteContacts.apk
This app can silence your contacts. I haven't tested it out much, I don't know if it will fix your vibration issue, let me know once you try.
Unfortunately, there are prerequisites. This app uses a few permissions, like contacts and calling. It also needs do not disturb access].
I was able to setup that permissions via LG Rebel 4 Settings Mod, but on a phone with the regular settings app, the Mute Contacts app just crashes. I think there is an ADB Command to allow it, (probably one that start with adb shell appops set), but I couldn't figure it out. It's possible that there is an app that can allow those permissions, I'll look into that.
Note: If you decide to install LG Rebel 4 Settings Mod, do it via ADB, the instructions in the linked post don't work for many people.
Also note: When you open the app, there is a very annoying, useless introduction. There is a skip button, which doesn't work . So, you'll have to sit there for two minutes and watch it.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Atusb Read the message you quoted, it has the answer
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Biden2020prez dunno keeps crashing by me..........
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
- Edited
Can you please read it from beginning to end?
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
ahhhhhhhhhhhh thanks
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Atusb Sure. If you want to install those rebel 4 settings, and need help, let me know.
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Biden2020prez yes how do i do it on lg classic