• LG Classic Flip

  • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

    Jumptoheaven I did exactly what you wrote but I don't see my device listed in cmd.
    I also tried with Web ADB.com, I got "Access denied" error

      • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

        How did you get to someone in the corporate department. You think I can simply ask to speak to someone in that department?

        • T-K replied to this.

          ksav did you enable USB debugging?
          What phone do you have?

          • ksav replied to this.
            • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

              Jumptoheaven Yes.
              LG Classic.
              I tried all USB configuration, MTP, PTP, MIDI and RNDIS.
              I want to remove the browser ASAP but i can't

                ksav Keep it on ''charging" in the USB mode menu

                • ksav replied to this.

                  ksav follow the instructions in the introduction menu (in webadb)

                  • ksav replied to this.
                    • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                      L-B Yes, you can ask them. They will say that they can help you but you need a representative that has access to edit your features, and usually the people that answer the phone first don't have access to that.

                      • L-B replied to this.
                        • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                          Phoney Once I do all these steps, how can I install the button mapper app from the Kosher Apps for Flip website?

                          Thanks for you clear instructions!

                            T-K it's doesn't work for the classic phone

                            • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

                              Phoney doesn't connecting

                              • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

                                yk9813 WebADB.com says "Please authorize the connection on your device", but I don't get the the authorization prompt on my phone.

                                  ksav did you use it with windows if so did you follow the instructions for that ?

                                  • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                  Jumptoheaven Btw the easiest way to open a command prompt window in a certain folder is just to click on the address bar of that folder and type cmd and hit enter

                                    Techgen thanks.
                                    My commuter has the shift right click option, but I needed to tweak my registry for that.
                                    Your trick would be a much better option.

                                      • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                                        On LG classic?

                                        • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                          10452ec what did you do to get it to work?