3474336863Level 1 - Junior Member
Cen anyone help me with backing up an original rom from an Android
Cen anyone help me with backing up an original rom from an Android
3474336863 We need a lot more details.
Biden2020prez details on what?
3474336863 More details on exactly what you are trying to do
I want to copy from my device the original rom so I can edit it.
3474336863 What phone?
Palm pvg, and other also
Biden2020prez I'm also looking for help to extract the firmware from Kyocera cadence.
I want to use it to fix a corrupted device.
The bootloader seems to be locked. it returns "fastboot FAILED (remote: 'unknown command') fastboot: error: Command failed".
also maybe [Login to see the link] - can you help out here?
Hi1 You probably don't have the correct drivers installed
practical I have this [Login to see the link] drivers installed it works great for the tcl, so basically i need different drivers for every device?
Hi1 this are MediaTek drivers, You will need QUALCOMM drivers and the QUALCOMM flashing tool.
Hi1 Drivers are software that allow your PC to interact with the device. Different devices have different chipsets, and therefore will need different drivers. You have the drivers for a MediaTek device, but youre phone has QUALCOMM chipset, which requires different drivers and a different software to flash it. I am not involved in this enough to be able to provide you with a reliable link, but google search for QUALCOMM USB drivers" and "QUALCOMM flashing tool" should give you plenty what to try...
Not sure you can probably google some of them but there is probably a better method via adb or some other software. Offhand I can tell you the Kyocera phones use Qualcomm chips (says it on the hinge). What device are you using?
Hi1 you will need the phone powered off and hold the up volume button while connecting to pc. If it doesn't come up itself, then click on "select port", then check the checkbox for "show non qd... "