Apps4Flip-Admin added the Apps tag .
LG Classic Flip - ListLauncher to list ALL Android apps.
3 months later
CChaseChillerLevel 2 - Senior Member
Does anyone have this "lg home"?
5 days later
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
CChaseChillerLevel 2 - Senior Member
- Edited
This is lg's launcher?
It seems like just a shortcut.
5 days later
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
ChaseChiller Thats what it is. If you want to go to the home screen during a phone call. See that thread for more details.
9 days later
CChaseChillerLevel 2 - Senior Member
CChaseChillerLevel 2 - Senior Member
3 months later
samteeLevel 3 - Gold Member
does this work on the exalt too
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
samtee i doont see why not... try and let us know
a month later
samteeLevel 3 - Gold Member
why doesnt the accessibility option work in the settings