• App Development
  • [Help Wanted] - Post Your Flip Phone Model With Screen Resolution And Density

Hi all,

The team is working on a project that would allow more apps to work with the screen sizes that flip phones have. In order for us to do this we need to gather some information about the various flip phone models out there. We need the screen resolution and density for each model.

To obtain the screen resolution run adb shell wm size.

To obtain the screen density run adb shell wm density.

If you can run this on your phone and post the results below as well as which phone model you have that would be a huge help!

Thanks Everyone!

    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      • Edited

      Kyocera Cadence S2720 / Kyocera DuraXV E-4610 / Kyocera DuraXV Extreme E-4810
      Physical size: 240x320
      Physical density: 120

      TCL Flip 2 t408dl
      Physical size: 240x320
      Physical density: 160

      Apps4Flip-Admin most will be 240 by 320. A few exceptions. Some people also change it to fit apps better, but maybe it won't be needed anymore.

      Thanks to everyone who responded! This has been a huge help and is much appreciated

      a month later

      Alcatel Go Flip V
      Resolution: 240 x 320
      Density: 160

      Schok Flip SC3218T
      Physical size: 240x320
      Physical density: 120

        16 days later

        ,Pixel Density 143 ppi
        Screen Resolution, 320 by 240 pixels
        NUU F4L

        but this is what it said when i typed in those commands on adb
        Physical size: 240x320

        Physical density: 120

          21 days later

          Schok Classic Flip (SC3218)
          Resolution: 480x800
          Density: 240
          (Bigger screen than average.)

            Reifam They're different phones. It's like comparing the LG exalt to the classic. It's a whole different מעשה.