How can I unlock bootloader on my OnePlus device? It disconnects from WebADB whenever I boot into fastboot (necessary for unlocking).

    java9 WebADB can only run commands in ADB Shell. To run fastboot commands such as:

    fastboot flashing unlock

    you must download google's platform tools to your machine and run commands in your terminal.

    Check [Login to see the link] out for instructions. Feel free to ask more questions if you need help.

      25 days later

      Ak123 You cannot dump partitions unless you have root or a Qualcomm firehose. Wait.. but is your phone mediatek? Then we have more choices

        • Ak123Level 1 - Junior Member

          • Edited

          Biden2020prez this specific phone is qualcomm snapdragon but I'm curious how to do mediatek as well. I've noticed the tracfones are harder to root (though i managed to unlock some of them running mtkclient off a bootable drive). im unfamilliar with qualcomm firehose.

            2 months later

            i wasnt able to unlock bootloader on my nuu f4l either

            Ak123 The mtkclient live dvd works better on some TracFone's? good to know!

            Basically you can either 'fastboot flashing unlock', or use mtkclient seccfg unlock. thats about it. make sure to allow oem unlock from developer options

              • Ak123Level 1 - Junior Member

                • Edited

                Biden2020prez I don’t know if it’s live dvd that does it or just the computer’s drivers not getting in the way, either way I got it to work on two tracfone phones that I couldn’t root using the windows version of mtkclient

                Ak123 A firehose is a file required to authenticate that the user is authorized to flash this phone with EDL. Mostly, the only way to get a firehose is if it gets leaked, which happens fairly often. Very rarely, OEM's will provide them. Or sometimes the phone doesn't actually require a specific firehose.

                Which phone is it? And what carrier?

                  Biden2020prez galaxy a02s. Once we’re on the topic I’ve been trying to root a tcl a3 that I got from safelink so I could kasher it.