doctorman I was referring the the kosher F21 that used to be sold by FIG (they don't sell it anymore, prob due to the many issues) you can get it non kosher from Ali express, but I don't recommend it, it can be hard to kasher after.
The F30 is kind of a made up name (for a F21 with added bands) by pure talk who is offering a kosher one, I don't know if a non kosher version was ever released. You can read more about it in [Login to see the link]
There was much discussion elsewhere on the forum about the FIG flip coming from China, but no-one was able to get a hold of a non fig version. As far as I know the sunbeam phone is proprietary so you won't find it on Ali.
And as [Login to see the link] said, I would strongly discourage trying to self filter any of these full Android phones, there are inevitably going to be loopholes, and even though it might be good enough for you, it won't be good enough for a teen who will have hours on end to play around with it.