• Ak123Level 1 - Junior Member

    I’m trying to patch Waze for a rooted smartphone so it shouldnt have internet or poi. How would I do that? (The phone is android 9 so I could edit init script if I need to)

      Ak123 I'm not sure what POI is. But you can run

      adb shell su -c pm revoke com.waze android.permission.INTERNET

      Not sure how you plan to use Waze without internet though...

        • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          Biden2020prez I think he means in-app browser, not all internet capabilities.
          POI- points of interest? Not sure what he has against that..

            • WwhynotLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member

              • Edited

              Flippy to be fair POI is annoying

              Biden2020prez thanks but I want to patch the app itself (or perhaps change the init.d script) and I meant the browser, it would be quite useless without internet.

              lgexalter1 I saw a post a while ago on xda about writing a script in init.d that will run during boot that would prevent certain actions

              lgexalter1 what do you mean by the newer version of Waze? The original app comes without browser?
              I’m not sure if my phone supports init.d It’s android 9 pie
              The script would be:
              sleep 30

              sed -i -e 's|.ExternalPOI.My Coupons Enabled:.|ExternalPOI.My Coupons Enabled: no|g' /data/data/com.waze/preferences
              sed -i -e 's|.ExternalPOI.Feature Enabled:.|ExternalPOI.Feature Enabled: no|g' /data/data/com.waze/preferences
              sed -i -e 's|.ExternalPOI.Max POIs Display:.|ExternalPOI.Max POIs Display: 0|g' /data/data/com.waze/preferences
              sed -i -e 's|.ExternalPOI.Popup Enabled:.|ExternalPOI.Popup Enabled: no|g' /data/data/com.waze/preferences
              sed -i -e 's|.ExternalPOI.Max POIs Display Small Screen:.|ExternalPOI.Max POIs Display Small Screen: 0|g' /data/data/com.waze/preferences

              chown root:root /data/data/com.waze/waze/skins/default
              chmod 555 /data/data/com.waze/waze/skins/default
              find /data/data/com.waze/waze/skins/default -name "x28" | xargs rm -rf

              chown root:root /data/data/com.waze
              chown root:root /data/data/com.waze/preferences
              chmod 755 /data/data/com.waze
              chmod 644 /data/data/com.waze/preferences

                Biden2020prez thanks. And what script should I use to block browser?