KkolelguyLevel 2 - Senior Member
how can i unlock the phone to other carriers?
how can i unlock the phone to other carriers?
kolelguy Get two month plan, then call TracFone for unlock
lgexalter1 I've heard that, but was afraid to take the risk.
lgexalter1 I used one plan to unlock one phone and called tracfone to transfer it to another phone and it worked for both (though I did unlock the first before I transferred the plan)
I'm using my new lg classic with slectel wireless and my mms doesn't work any one has a way to fix it?
I have the same problem' I'm able to send but not receive, I think it has to do with a setting called CDMA-less device provisioning, but I didn't have success with their representative's yet.
kolelguy Talmid_chochem Have you tried forcing the phone to only connect to LTE? It has to be done from the hidden menu (dial*#546368#*125#
). Under "Network Mode Selection > Network mode", change from "1x/ EvDo / LTE auto" to "LTE". Might require a restart to fully take effect.
This solved signal issues for me on a Verizon MVNO since the Verizon 3G shutdown. The phone seems to always look for a now non-existent 3G CDMA signal otherwise.
cross_stix I tried this and I chat with a rep at the same time and it started working so I'm not sure who gets the credit.
on my old phone I had the same problem and cellular for less fixed it for me but now he wanted to chare me so I tried myself.
cross_stix when you type two asterisks on either side of something they don’t show up unless you type it as code *#546368#*125#
kolelguy Well, glad you got it working. The hidden menu method fix I suggested may only apply if the account/SIM/device doesn't already have CDMA-less provisioning properly enabled. So indeed the rep could have fixed it as well.
Furthermore, for anyone else having signal and/or MMS/SMS issues on a Verizon MVNO, I just stumbled on something potentially useful. Not too long ago, I used to be able to choose between 3G and 3G/4G auto via the normal settings menu (however, forcing 4G/LTE only was never an option here). Anyway, this "System Select" menu option now seems to be missing for me, even after a factory reset. I'm guessing my account/SIM was automatically updated at some point not long ago for CDMA-less provisioning, either that or the phone finally recognized the change, after a recent factory reset, hence the now missing setting.
This may be a good way to check whether an account/SIM has CDMA-less provisioning working under a Verizon MVNO with this phone. So to walk through. Under "Settings > Wireless & networks > Cellular networks" if you see don't see "System Select" you probably have CDMA-less provisioning already. However, if you do see "System Select" you probably need to contact your provider and have them enable CDMA-less provisioning. If this fails, you can of course try the hidden menu method I previously suggested.
Regardless, personally, even with my account now seemly having CDMA-less provisioning. I'm going to leave it set to "LTE" in the hidden menu anyway, just to be safe.
Lastly, I'm guessing the hidden menu fix/workaround may also apply to other providers with defunct 2G/3G (GSM/UMTS/HSPA) networks as well, assuming the phone is still trying to connect to those defunct networks, instead of just LTE. Not sure if a similar GSM and/or UMTS-less type provisioning is available with "GSM" providers.
whynot Thanks for the tip, fixed.
cross_stix Very helpful, Thank you
Flippy did this work for you as well?
chaimzalman Didn't try this yet ( I dont have a phone with an issue currently). But definitely sounds like he is on to something that makes sense. Helpful because when you understand the problem that's half the solution.
Flippy Tried it on 1 phone but it still didnt work unfortunately
chaimzalman Have you checked your APN settings?
The only other thing I could suggest is to check if the software version is up-to-date (L125DL10h should be latest). Or try a factory reset. I had a strange Wi-Fi password issue that was only solved with a factory reset. Furthermore, a factory reset via the hidden menu should be more thorough than via the normal settings menu. However, if your phone has already been unlocked make sure you still have the unlock codes for it, as they may well need to be reentered if factory reset is done via the hidden menu.
P.S. On the final screen in the hidden menu, you'll see the label "Factory Reset (R&D Only)" to differentiate it from a normal factory reset.
chaimzalman Regarding APN settings for a Verizon MVNO. It may be worth trying these 4 APNs listed here:
get it here for about $40 after plan and tax