• kosher officesuite

have same problem on the classic it tries installing and then the phone just restarts then i tried installing with adb and also got errors that it cant install

Unfortunately at this time its not working on the classic only for the lg vn220 and un220 kyocera s2720/e4610/e4810 possibly on the sonim.

2 months later

Apps4Flip-Admin yes! if you will install it you will see that its stating at the bottom that internet permission is missing from the manifest.

4 days later

Apps4Flip-Admin yes the office suite is kosher no background browsers are able to be accessed since the internet permissions were removed out of the manifest.

8 days later

Sure do, the main member of the admin team has retired for the time being due to personal obligations. We (The remaining two members) are working on replacing him in the mean time. That is why we have been less active.

    We are.
    If you know of anyone who you think would be good and is able to commit 1 hour a day, have them send an email to us at [Login to see the link]

    The person must have good communication skills, good android skills, and rudimentary programming knowledge.