Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
FliphoneBochur from in a call?
FliphoneBochur from in a call?
FliphoneBochur Okay So send the android manifest of your home screen app (i think on go flip v its launcher3) or just tell me whats your home screen package name/activity name
Biden2020prez /
FliphoneBochur Okay Making an app...
dial *#*#HOME#*#*
). Not tested (I dont have Alcatel Go Flip V).
Biden2020prez I tried installing and I got Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1225576821.tmp/base.apk: Attempt to get length of null array]
lgexalter1 I tried changing the package name and playing around with the manifest until I got it to install, but the button combo doesn't do anything.
Biden2020prez Maybe try on a phone you could test it out on and then change the launcher package name to fit with mine.
FliphoneBochur okay I made a mistake one minute ill fix it.
Biden2020prez Biden2020prez Should I send the launcher manifest or do you not need it?
new apk same link
Biden2020prez It installs, when I open the app it goes straight home, but the code isn't working (either in or out of call).
FliphoneBochur Hmm... I think the code was working on my phone. Are you sure you used code 4663?
Biden2020prez Yes I tried that. Are you using the same method as the apps4flip launcher? That one worked fine. (When dialing in middle of a call.) Does that have anything to do with notification permissions?
FliphoneBochur Same method, the code is a bit different. I guess you can go from call to apps4flip launcher then click my app. But Im not sure why it's not working directly.
Biden2020prez Did you change anything since last time?
Biden2020prez I just tried it the way you suggested. It worked! (I didn't think of that!) But I wouldn't want to always use that method because I don't usually keep that launcher installed. (I use List Launcher.) I just installed it for this test. Are you sure there's not a bug in your "dial-to-app" code?
FliphoneBochur There is very possible a bug, but the thing is that its working on my LG Classic. Did you do anything to my app before installing?
Biden2020prez Baruch Hashem! I just uninstalled the Apps4Flip launcher and your code worked! I guess you could only have 1 at a time. Thank you so much!
FliphoneBochur weird. Not sure why that is... they should all work. Which Apps4Flip launcher are you using? I can probably modify it to have another secret code to take you to homescreen, maybe it would work.