Universal Mouse Cursor for the LG Classic
LleibyLevel 1 - Junior Member
got you
so looks like this command does make some damage at least to voice access
L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Yes I can confirm that the same thing happened by me (I just didnt realize until you pointed it out). It will only listen for the first time
(it has nothing to do with the first few seconds you can wait a few seconds to speak it just only works for one time. you can speak for as long or as short as you want but after that you have to turn it off and on again to use it again)
LleibyLevel 1 - Junior Member
[Login to see the link] did you try the command that [Login to see the link] posted about removing the notifications?
do you know if that is to remove all notifications or just the mouce- voice access?
YytepsLevel 2 - Senior Member
[Login to see the link] that command would just disable permanent system notifications, so for all intents and purposes only the voice access and mouse cursor (and I don't think there are any other super important permenant system notifications)
Try it, and you can always undo it by replacing "ignore" in the command to "allow"
AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
Apps4Flip-Admin what am i doing wrong? i put the command "cmd appops set android POST_NOTIFICATION ignore"'"
and nothing happens
L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member
abe Apps4Flip-Admin
same here
BboruchLevel 3 - Gold Member
try leaving out "cmd"
AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
yteps how did u make it work by you?
tried it multiple times and it dosent remove any notification not the mouse and not voice access
[Login to see the link] is reporting the same
LleibyLevel 1 - Junior Member
[Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
same here
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Try this. adb shell cmd appops set <packageName> POST_NOTIFICATION ignore
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Jumptoheaven I don't think it'll actually work, because the notification isn't coming from the app, but rather it's the system notifying you.