• Universal Mouse Cursor for the LG Classic

As [Login to see the link] wrote on GitHub [Login to see the link]
"Thanks to all those who contributed to make this happen.
I'd just like to raise 2 points.
1 the cursor doesn't work in some apps. For example Waze and Uber. At first I thought it's because those apps that I was using already had a cursor added. So I tried it on a different version of Waze, which didn't have an added cursor, and it still wouldn't click on anything.

2 Once I ran the adb commands, the dedicated key to turn on voice access didn't work anymore. This may be an issue with the phone (LG Exalt). Because I had a similar issue when using button mapper. Once a enabled button mapper, I couldn't set a key for voice access.
If anyone knows of a way of fixing these issues, I'd really appreciate it.

  • L-B replied to this.
    • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

      I dont know why it doesnt work for you but the cursor works in waze for me (LG classic)
      use this command to enable the mouse and voice access at the same time (it adds the service for voice command after a colon. you can add the service for button mapper after an additional colon and have all three working at the same time as it is on my phone!)
      adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.cts.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess/com.google.android.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess.JustSpeakService:com.android.cts.appsflipcursor/com.android.cts.appsflipcursor.services.MouseEventService

        lgexalter1 I found that scrolling up scrolls down. See if that works for you.

        L-B I did that. If you'll read the post carefully, you'll see that the problem is that I can't set a dedicated key; e.g. the camera key, to start the voice access.

        • L-B replied to this.

          lgexalter1 yes, on the lg ealt.
          why do you need the cursor in scroll mode?

          • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

            Oy. I did see that but I assumed that it was really not working at all and maybe somehow you didn't realize. My bad. In any case it seems these problems don't apply to the LG classic

            lgexalter1 yes I'm referring to the exalt.

            I think they couldn't make the cursor scrollable. Hence the scroll mode without the cursor. Otherwise they would've just made a scrollable cursor.

            BoruchAdler Thanks for the amazing mouse app, and we don't forget about the android auto...

            Can someone please post all the commands to enable the Mouse, Voice Access and Button mapper at the same time?
            Please include ALL the commands needed from begining to end.

            I got this error by starting the service
            Error: Requires permission not exported from uid 10170
            any help?

              mg5077 from my experience: do the adb commands again and it should work even if you'll get the same error. I installed it a few times already, and each time I installed it i had the same thing.

                Can someone please post all the commands to enable the Mouse, Voice Access and Button mapper at the same time?
                Please include ALL the commands needed from begining to end.

                • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

                  just downloaded! Thanks [Login to see the link]

                  mouse mode works great
                  whats the scroll mode? how do i use it?

                  • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

                    how do i use scroll mode on a LG classic?

                    Have an undismissable notification saying "Apps4Flip Cursor is displaying over other apps" any way to get rid of that?

                    • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

                      same here

                      anyone knows how to get rid of the curser/mouse notification displayed all the time in the notifications??

                      • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                        same here
                        please someone