• Universal Mouse Cursor for the LG Classic

lgexalter1 yes I'm referring to the exalt.

I think they couldn't make the cursor scrollable. Hence the scroll mode without the cursor. Otherwise they would've just made a scrollable cursor.

BoruchAdler Thanks for the amazing mouse app, and we don't forget about the android auto...

Can someone please post all the commands to enable the Mouse, Voice Access and Button mapper at the same time?
Please include ALL the commands needed from begining to end.

I got this error by starting the service
Error: Requires permission not exported from uid 10170
any help?

    mg5077 from my experience: do the adb commands again and it should work even if you'll get the same error. I installed it a few times already, and each time I installed it i had the same thing.

      Can someone please post all the commands to enable the Mouse, Voice Access and Button mapper at the same time?
      Please include ALL the commands needed from begining to end.

      • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

        just downloaded! Thanks [Login to see the link]

        mouse mode works great
        whats the scroll mode? how do i use it?

        • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

          how do i use scroll mode on a LG classic?

          Have an undismissable notification saying "Apps4Flip Cursor is displaying over other apps" any way to get rid of that?

          • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

            same here

            anyone knows how to get rid of the curser/mouse notification displayed all the time in the notifications??

            • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

              same here
              please someone


              anyone here was able to get working th cursor in cursor mode on the Lg classic?
              by me when its in cursor mode nothing happens


              If i install it on the lg exalt will it overwrite voice access??
              I still want voice access for texting

              was anyone able to get it work in scorll mode?

              when i scroll instead of scrolling its like pressing enter and it will press on buttons

              anyone else having this problem?

              lgexalter1 same here
              when switching to scroll mode
              its not working and the it will press buttons

              when i put in the commands for button mapper it stops the mouse app

              and when i put in the mouse/curser commands it stops the button mapper app

              how can i get both to work together?

              • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

                L-B how about the commands the mouse and Button mapper should work togethr?

                can you post it please?

                it would be a real help

                • L-B replied to this.
                  • AabeLevel 3 - Gold Member

                    • Edited

                    i noticed that since i installed the mouse cursor my phone will announce loud all incoming calls anybody else with this problem?

                    any way to turn it off?

                    • L-B replied to this.