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  • Help getting a launcher on TCL Flip 2

bl_apps4flip You could tell me the package name of an app that you removed already, and I'll change this package name to match that, though I would highly recommend you remove the browser.

[Login to see the link] Thanks, that would be really helpful. But whatever app I choose, I would have to apk uninstall it, correct? apk disable-user won't be enough because you can't replace a disabled app?

If so, I tried removing both the calendar and the calculator; neither work. The browser is supposed to work?
(The browser is necessary for now for something custom, though longer-term I guess I could create custom shell apks for them)

1|Gflip6_TF:/ $ pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.android.calculator2                 
Failure to remove user owner's system package: com.android.calculator2

1|Gflip6_TF:/ $ pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.android.calendar
Failure to remove user owner's system package: com.android.calendar

    bl_apps4flip uninstalling won't get rid of the package, for that you would have to remove it entirely from /system/apps/

    [Login to see the link] I see the apps in /system/apps, but any changes I make there say that the FS is readonly

    1|Gflip6_TF:/system/app $ rm OP07Browser                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    rm: OP07Browser: Read-only file system

    Based on [Login to see the link], I also tried the following, which didn't work either:

    /vendor/bin/write_protect 0
    /system/bin/sh: /vendor/bin/write_protect: can't execute: Permission denied

      bl_apps4flip in shell run su (and allow root to shell in magisk) and then run vendor/bin/write_protect 0

      bl_apps4flip Hmm... First, did you root?

      Once you are rooted with @neutronscotts boot image (i can help if you need) you can install the ATT Package of Lionscribe's Launcher just fine. Until then, the apps wont install, even if WebADB says completed.

        FliphoneBochur Did the OP ever mention successfully seeing his applications? I am suggesting that they may have never installed...

        WebADB install APK function is not correctly configured for error handling and will show success even on failed installations

          Biden2020prez Good point. That's what I dislike about that feature. They should really incorporate error handling. Whatever.

          Indeed I did not root -- as I mentioned in my question, I was looking to just install apps without a firmware update. I guess that's not possible? OK, in that case I guess I'll have a go at it and ask you for help if necessary. Thanks!

          [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] -- You are indeed correct that WebADB indicated success, leading me to believe that the APKs had installed, but I just checked using pm list packages | grep -i att and nothing comes up.

          [Login to see the link] -- su seems not to be present at all without rooting.

          Q: Are the instructions & neutron.img posted at the [Login to see the link] current?

            bl_apps4flip Yes.
            Fyi, you don't need grep to search for a specific package; you can just search with pm list packages search-term, and it will output any packages containing that.

            It worked, thank you so much!

            I found the guide and available information to be a bit confusing (and I'm a software developer), out-of-date, etc. Shouldn't we make a page with all the up-to-date info, written for people that are non-ROM hackers, and put it up instead of (or as part of) the [Login to see the link]? If so, who is in charge of that page, etc.?


            1. Waze works well but it's impossible to see the upper center of the map (where the actual arrow is showing you where you need to turn) because the screen is so small. Is there some way to reduce the DPI setting, etc.?
            2. I installed vMouse2.zip but occasionally the 'click' behavior stops working, until I reboot the phone, any fix for that?
            3. Is there some way to install Google Keep (which I believe requires Google Play Services)?


              For number 1, you can try running wm size 321x428 or another number. Also, Since you have root, most resolution changer apps should work. I used [Login to see the link] on my TCL, which mostly worked fine (as long as you have a mouse).

              For number 2, I also had that issue. It happened especially in certain apps. I don't have a solution (I often used a bluetooth mouse if I didnt want to reboot).

              For number 3, I think it is very confusing to do. Maybe. You should look into the app "ColorNote"

              bl_apps4flip When I have a click issue I disengage the mouse then reengage - then while hovering over something press "OK" then "1". I haven't needed to reboot for a while and avoided that bug.

                Re: mouse bug, I wonder if going to Magisk and disabling/enabling the vMouse2 module would work as well (instead of rebooting)

                  bl_apps4flip Does hyperactiv work for you??

                  I am guessing that re-enabling the module wont do the trick because it's configured to run on boot. So you would need to reboot after enabling it

                  hyperactiv Just hover over any button, press ok, let go of ok, and press 1? then it will work like normal again?

                  bl_apps4flip I find that the mouse not working issue generally happens when you click on 2, which is supposed to act as a right click.